Art of Production (Basic Storage)

Art of Production (Basic Storage)
Item Type Recipe
Recipe Type StorageStorage
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
How to get
Port Continent Region From Details
Recipe Formula
Recipe Materials Result Note
Canning Curry & Rice
6 4
Tin Plate x10
Curry & RiceCurry & Rice x105
Canned Curry N Rice x1
Canning Seafood Pizza
8 6
Tin Plate x10
Seafood PizzaSeafood Pizza x105
Canned Seafood Pizza x1
Canning Tuna Stake
13 11
Tin Plate x30
Tuna Olive SteakTuna Olive Steak x110
Canned Tuna Steak x1
Canning Herring
17 11
HerringHerring x20
Tin Plate x1
Surstromming x1 MA item
Advanced Products (No.2)
A book compiling advanced storage techniques using a machine.
Storage Skill: Rank 6+