Africa North Gulf of Guinea

Africa North Gulf of Guinea
Location Type Landing Point
Region Western Africa
Subregion Gulf Of Guinea
Coordinate 370,4590
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Items Type From Details
Meat BallsMeat Balls Consumables Pet
Fire BucketsFire Buckets Consumables Pet
SoberSober Consumables Pet
Seal of SorcerySeal of Sorcery Consumables Pet
MushroomsMushrooms Goods CollectionCollection
BerriesBerries Goods CollectionCollection
AntsAnts Goods CollectionCollection
Yellow OreYellow Ore Goods CollectionCollection
Red FlowersRed Flowers Goods CollectionCollection
White FlowersWhite Flowers Goods CollectionCollection
Coconut FibresCoconut Fibres Goods CollectionCollection
RocksRocks Goods CollectionCollection
Leopard SearchSearch
Wood SpearWood Spear Weapon Item SearchSearch
Dull CutlassDull Cutlass Weapon Item SearchSearch
Famous Explorer's NotesFamous Explorer's Notes Accessory SearchSearch
Fishing GearFishing Gear Accessory SearchSearch
Name Data Weapon r3+ Tech Note
Thief Lv. 10
Guinea Poacher Lv. 9
Venin Thief Lv. 12
Eueka Bandit Lv. 13