Africa West Coast

Africa West Coast
Location Type Landing Point
Region Western Africa
Subregion Grain Coast Open Sea
Coordinate 15620,4300
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Items Type From Details
Meat BallsMeat Balls Consumables Pet
Hanseatic League Seal Pet
SoberSober Consumables Pet
Assorted Secret ElixirsAssorted Secret Elixirs Consumables Pet
MushroomsMushrooms Goods CollectionCollection
BerriesBerries Goods CollectionCollection
Red FlowersRed Flowers Goods CollectionCollection
CoconutsCoconuts Goods CollectionCollection
Coconut FibresCoconut Fibres Goods CollectionCollection
Upland_RiceUpland_Rice Goods CollectionCollection
SandSand Goods CollectionCollection
Sea Turtle SearchSearch
Wood SpearWood Spear Weapon Item SearchSearch
African FeatherAfrican Feather Head Equipment SearchSearch
Dull CutlassDull Cutlass Weapon Item SearchSearch
Fan of Ostrich FeathersFan of Ostrich Feathers Weapon Item SearchSearch
Famous Explorer's NotesFamous Explorer's Notes Accessory SearchSearch
Dull ScimitarDull Scimitar Weapon Item SearchSearch
Modified quadrantModified quadrant Weapon Item SearchSearch
Name Data Weapon r3+ Tech Note
Verde Thief Lv. 15
Songai Soldier Lv. 16