
Location Type Port TurkeyTurkey
Region Eastern Europe
Subregion East Mediterranian Sea
Coordinate 1340,3540
Connected to -
Port Data
Min. disguise 20
Languages Ancient EgyptianAncient Egyptian
Port permit Port Permit - East Mediterranean SeaPort Permit - East Mediterranean Sea
Culture North Africa
Quest NPC Guild, Mediator
Has archive Yes
Goods Goods Type Investment Period Local Specialty
WheatWheat Foodstuffsfoodstuffs
GarlicGarlic Spicesspices
GunpowderGunpowder Firearmsfirearms
CottonCotton Fibresfibres
Broad BeansBroad Beans Foodstuffsfoodstuffs
Camel HairCamel Hair Fibresfibres
MyrrhMyrrh Medicinemedicine North Africa
PepperPepper Spicesspices 600,000 Đinvestment India
CumminCummin Spicesspices 500,000 Đinvestment
TurquoiseTurquoise Precious Stonesprecious_stones 3,150,000 Đinvestment Persia

There is a current bug that unlocks the goods by investing any amount instead of the Ducats listed above

Items Type Price Investment Period
Hell Fire TorchHell Fire Torch Consumables 300 Đgold
Adhesive OilAdhesive Oil Consumables 150 Đgold
Incendiary PowderIncendiary Powder Consumables 150 Đgold
Lachrymatory PowderLachrymatory Powder Consumables 150 Đgold
Attack Banner 5,000 Đgold
PerfumePerfume Accessory 3,000 Đgold
BurundjukBurundjuk Body Equipment 66,100 Đgold
GilletGillet Body Equipment 27,500 Đgold
TurbanTurban Head Equipment 31,500 Đgold
Feathered TurbanFeathered Turban Head Equipment 48,300 Đgold
Arabian ShoesArabian Shoes Foot Equipment 28,100 Đgold
Peacock TurbanPeacock Turban Head Equipment 73,400 Đgold
TambourineTambourine Weapon Item 3,000 Đgold
Secret MedicationSecret Medication Consumables 600 Đgold
Shamshir training- beginnerShamshir training- beginner Recipe 20,000 Đgold
Card Rank2 1,000 Đgold
Special Dye Colour 1 5,000 Đgold
CardCard Consumables 500 Đgold
One of many cities called Alexandria established in various countries by Alexander the Great. It has grown prosperous as a trading point between the Mediterranean sea and Arabia. The fertile soil on the banks of the Nile are perfect for farming, and it also handles spices and incense by way of Arabia.