
Location Type Port
Region Northern Europe
Subregion Southern Britain Island
Coordinate 16330,2480
Connected to -
Port Data
Min. disguise 0
Languages DutchDutch
Port permit Port Permit - North SeaPort Permit - North Sea
Culture The British Isles
Quest NPC None
Has archive No
Goods Goods Type Investment Period Local Specialty
Dried ApricotsDried Apricots Luxury Goodsluxury_goods
BrandyBrandy Alcoholalcohol
FishFish Foodstuffsfoodstuffs
Cannon ShotCannon Shot Firearmsfirearms 16th Century - Period 516th Century - Period 5
FlannelFlannel Fabricsfabrics 16th Century - Period 416th Century - Period 4 16th Century - Period 516th Century - Period 5 The British Isles
Herb VinegarHerb Vinegar Seasoningsseasonings 15th Century - Period 115th Century - Period 1
Folk CostumesFolk Costumes Craftscrafts 17th Century - Period 117th Century - Period 1 17th Century - Period 217th Century - Period 2 North America
Items Type Price Investment Period
AntidoteAntidote Consumables 100 Đgold
Kite's WingsKite's Wings Consumables 100 Đgold
MedicationMedication Consumables 300 Đgold
Assorted OintmentsAssorted Ointments Consumables 500 Đgold
Mode Design Collection - v1Mode Design Collection - v1 Recipe 10,000 Đgold
Sword training- applicationSword training- application Recipe 50,000 Đgold 120,000 Đinvestment
Fabric secrets - ClothFabric secrets - Cloth Recipe 10,000 Đgold

The required investment might not be accurate as the price keeps getting updated by devs.

A town located in the southeast of Britain. It faces the Strait of Dover. It was the front line in the war against France, and defensive fortifications were built during the age of the Vikings.