Gulf of Bothnia West Coast

Gulf of Bothnia West Coast
Location Type Landing Point
Region Northern Europe
Subregion Baltic Sea
Coordinate 850,1700
Connected to -
Items Type From Details
Common GrassCommon Grass Goods CollectionCollection
LogsLogs Goods CollectionCollection
Chrome OreChrome Ore Goods CollectionCollection
Yellow OreYellow Ore Goods CollectionCollection
HempHemp Goods CollectionCollection
LifesaversLifesavers Consumables Pet
Spare Rudder WheelSpare Rudder Wheel Consumables Pet
Sail Paint Type 4Sail Paint Type 4 Consumables Pet
Purchase Order (Category 3)Purchase Order (Category 3) Consumables Pet
MushroomsMushrooms Goods CollectionCollection
RocksRocks Goods CollectionCollection
Wild OatsWild Oats Goods CollectionCollection
Viking MailViking Mail Body Equipment SearchSearch
Dull LongswordDull Longsword Weapon Item SearchSearch
SurcoatSurcoat Body Equipment SearchSearch
Rusted EstocRusted Estoc Weapon Item SearchSearch
Riding BootsRiding Boots Foot Equipment SearchSearch
Expert Fisherman's GearExpert Fisherman's Gear Accessory SearchSearch
Adventurer's NotesAdventurer's Notes Accessory SearchSearch
Fishing GearFishing Gear Accessory SearchSearch
Name Data Weapon r3+ Tech Note
Bounty Lv. 15
Viking Lv. 15