
Location Type Port
Region Caribbean Central America
Subregion Hawaiian Coast
Coordinate 9100,3960
Connected to -
Port Data
Min. disguise 0
Languages Oceanic LanguagesOceanic Languages
Port permit Port Permit - South Pacific OceanPort Permit - South Pacific Ocean
Culture Oceania
Quest NPC None
Has archive No
Goods Goods Type Investment Period Local Specialty
Sugar CaneSugar Cane Foodstuffsfoodstuffs 7,680,000 Đinvestment
Palm OilPalm Oil Seasoningsseasonings
CoffeeCoffee Luxury Goodsluxury_goods 8,500,000 Đinvestment
BerriesBerries Foodstuffsfoodstuffs 8,500,000 Đinvestment
SandalwoodSandalwood Fragrancesfragrances 1,120,000 Đinvestment India
TaroTaro Foodstuffsfoodstuffs Southeast Asia
CassavaCassava Foodstuffsfoodstuffs
Macadamia NutsMacadamia Nuts Luxury Goodsluxury_goods Oceania
PapayasPapayas Luxury Goodsluxury_goods
PineapplesPineapples Luxury Goodsluxury_goods 500,000 Đinvestment Caribbean Sea

There is a current bug that unlocks the goods by investing any amount instead of the Ducats listed above

A town on a solitary island in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. Polynesians presumably migrated here between the 4th and 8th centuries. It has many volcanoes and its land is composed of hardened lava.