Indian Ocean East African Coast

Indian Ocean East African Coast
Location Type Landing Point
Region Eastern Africa India
Subregion The Arabian Sea
Coordinate 2260,4460
Connected to -
Items Type From Details
Misers Chains Pet
Rodent KillerRodent Killer Consumables Pet
SoberSober Consumables Pet
Seal of SylphSeal of Sylph Consumables Pet
LogsLogs Goods CollectionCollection
MushroomsMushrooms Goods CollectionCollection
Common GrassCommon Grass Goods CollectionCollection
Copper OreCopper Ore Goods CollectionCollection
Red OreRed Ore Goods CollectionCollection
Yellow OreYellow Ore Goods CollectionCollection
BarleyBarley Goods CollectionCollection
SandSand Goods CollectionCollection
Leopard SearchSearch
Afro WigAfro Wig Head Equipment SearchSearch
Fan of Dodo FeathersFan of Dodo Feathers Weapon Item SearchSearch
Dull ScimitarDull Scimitar Weapon Item SearchSearch
Iron-wire Hunting NetIron-wire Hunting Net Accessory SearchSearch
Fishing GearFishing Gear Accessory SearchSearch
Goat skin tambourineGoat skin tambourine Weapon Item SearchSearch
TelescopeTelescope Weapon Item SearchSearch
Dull CutlassDull Cutlass Weapon Item SearchSearch
Name Data Weapon r3+ Tech Note
African Bandit Lv. 20