
Location Type Inland
Region Eastern Africa India
Subregion The Bay Of Bengal
Coordinate -
Connected to Southwest CalcuttaSouthwest Calcutta
Items Type From Details
Special Sail Paint 8Special Sail Paint 8 Consumables Pet
Assorted OintmentsAssorted Ointments Consumables Pet
Francisca Pet
Spice SauceSpice Sauce Consumables Pet
StoneStone Goods CollectionCollection
Stone SculptureStone Sculpture Goods CollectionCollection
RocksRocks Goods CollectionCollection
Blue OreBlue Ore Goods CollectionCollection
Wood SculptureWood Sculpture Goods CollectionCollection
Indian MadderIndian Madder Goods CollectionCollection
Red OreRed Ore Goods CollectionCollection
Emperor Ashoka SearchSearch
Schweitzer SabreSchweitzer Sabre Weapon Item SearchSearch
Ivory RecorderIvory Recorder Weapon Item SearchSearch
Dull LongswordDull Longsword Weapon Item SearchSearch
Dull ScimitarDull Scimitar Weapon Item SearchSearch
Iron-wire Hunting NetIron-wire Hunting Net Accessory SearchSearch
Name Data Weapon r3+ Tech Note
Samir Gang Lv. 32 Throwing Knife
Samir Lv. 41 Sword Wasp Call