North America West Coast

North America West Coast
Location Type Landing Point
Region W Coast Of North America
Subregion Alexander Archipelago Open Sea
Coordinate 10610,2800
Connected to -
Items Type From Details
Dye ColourDye Colour Consumables Pet
Hell Fire TorchHell Fire Torch Consumables Pet
Asclepius Medicated Bath Pet
Sail Paint Type 8Sail Paint Type 8 Consumables Pet
CranberriesCranberries Goods CollectionCollection
Exotic FruitExotic Fruit Goods CollectionCollection
SandSand Goods CollectionCollection
BouldersBoulders Goods CollectionCollection
StoneStone Goods CollectionCollection
RocksRocks Goods CollectionCollection
Red OreRed Ore Goods CollectionCollection
Black OreBlack Ore Goods CollectionCollection
Traveller's NotesTraveller's Notes Accessory SearchSearch
Prospector's Dowsing RodProspector's Dowsing Rod Accessory SearchSearch
Adventurer's NotesAdventurer's Notes Accessory SearchSearch
Wood SpearWood Spear Weapon Item SearchSearch
Dull LongswordDull Longsword Weapon Item SearchSearch
Expert Fisherman's GearExpert Fisherman's Gear Accessory SearchSearch
BroadswordBroadsword Weapon Item SearchSearch
Name Data Weapon r3+ Tech Note
Gold Forger Lv. 25 Gun
Poacher Lv. 31 Gun
Jasper Gang Lv. 35 Sword
Wasp Call
Jasper Gang Lv. 38 Sword Unterhau
Wild Slash
Caribbean Bandit Lv. 42 Axe