North Luanda

North Luanda
Location Type Inland
Region Western Africa
Subregion Gulf Of Guinea
Coordinate -
Connected to LuandaLuanda
Items Type From Details
Purchase Order (Category 4)Purchase Order (Category 4) Consumables Pet
SoberSober Consumables Pet
Meat BallsMeat Balls Consumables Pet
Sail Paint Type 9Sail Paint Type 9 Consumables Pet
LogsLogs Goods CollectionCollection
Red BeansRed Beans Goods CollectionCollection
CoffeeCoffee Goods CollectionCollection
Yellow OreYellow Ore Goods CollectionCollection
Common GrassCommon Grass Goods CollectionCollection
SandSand Goods CollectionCollection
Armadillo's HideArmadillo's Hide Accessory SearchSearch
Wood SpearWood Spear Weapon Item SearchSearch
Expert Fisherman's GearExpert Fisherman's Gear Accessory SearchSearch
Rusty short swordRusty short sword Weapon Item SearchSearch
Fishing GearFishing Gear Accessory SearchSearch
Cat OrnamentCat Ornament Accessory SearchSearch
Goat skin tambourineGoat skin tambourine Weapon Item SearchSearch
Dull CutlassDull Cutlass Weapon Item SearchSearch
Name Data Weapon r3+ Tech Note
Verde Thief Lv. 15
Congo Thief Lv. 6
Songai Soldier Lv. 16
Ruba Bandit Lv. 13
Bakete Bandit Lv. 12