
Location Type Port
Region East Asia
Subregion Western East Asia
Coordinate -
Connected to Yellow River DownstreamYellow River Downstream
Port Data
Min. disguise 0
Languages ChineseChinese
Port permit Port Permit - East AsiaPort Permit - East Asia
Culture South China
Quest NPC None
Has archive No
Goods Goods Type Investment Period Local Specialty
Items Type Price Investment Period
Throwing KnifeThrowing Knife Consumables 150 Đgold
Throwing TorchesThrowing Torches Consumables 150 Đgold
TonicTonic Consumables 300 Đgold
Mongolian ArmorMongolian Armor Body Equipment 20,000 Đgold
Ustei DeelUstei Deel Body Equipment 20,000 Đgold
Ustei DeelUstei Deel Body Equipment 20,000 Đgold
Mongolian HelmetMongolian Helmet Head Equipment 15,000 Đgold
Janjin MalgaiJanjin Malgai Head Equipment 15,000 Đgold
MalgaiMalgai Head Equipment 15,000 Đgold
Gutal BootsGutal Boots Foot Equipment 10,000 Đgold
A city of the southern Mongolian Plateau. Built by the Yuan Dynasty emperors, it was the political capital during the summer months. In "The Travels of Marco Polo", it was described as an elegant city with the best technology, and became ingrained in the dreams of many seafarers.