Livestock Trading

Livestock Trading
Skill Type Trade
Learning Cost 10,000 Đgold
Max. Level 17
Vigour Cost Auto Effect
Skill Requirement Food TradingFood Trading 3
Level Requirement
Skill can be Refined
Refine Cost 500,000 Đgold
Refine Effect Domestic livestock order Domestic livestock order
Where to learn this skill from
Location NPC Note
MarseilleMarseille Duke Conde
Alternatively, this skill can be learned from any Trade Guild Master when using any jobs below.
However, the level requirement still applies
* Job name Job type Note
Favoured favoured Animal TraderAnimal Trader Trade
Expert expert CaravannerCaravanner Trade
Favoured favoured BreederBreeder Adventure
Item name Item type + Note
Tamsui TravelwearTamsui Travelwear Body Equipment + 1
Star Ruby EarringStar Ruby Earring Accessory + 1
Ngoni HatNgoni Hat Head Equipment + 2
Deluxe PetticoatDeluxe Petticoat Body Equipment + 1
First-Class Merchant's Training TechniquesFirst-Class Merchant's Training Techniques Accessory + 1
Western JacketWestern Jacket Body Equipment + 1
Western Girl OutfitWestern Girl Outfit Body Equipment + 1
Ruling Inca Family ClothesRuling Inca Family Clothes Body Equipment + 2
HappiHappi Body Equipment + 1
Snake Shell CharmSnake Shell Charm Accessory + 1
Feileadh MorFeileadh Mor Body Equipment + 2
Tea-dyed SarongTea-dyed Sarong Body Equipment + 1
Star-shaped PendantStar-shaped Pendant Accessory + 2
Pioneer's Hunting RiflePioneer's Hunting Rifle Weapon Item + 1
Cowboy Boots EXCowboy Boots EX Foot Equipment + 1 Has EX effect
Star Ruby Hair OrnamentStar Ruby Hair Ornament Accessory + 2
Star Ruby NecklaceStar Ruby Necklace Accessory + 1
Star Ruby RingStar Ruby Ring Accessory + 1
Star Ruby BroochStar Ruby Brooch Accessory + 1
June BrideJune Bride Weapon Item + 1 Has effect
Ten Gallon HatTen Gallon Hat Head Equipment + 3
Prestigious FoodPrestigious Food Head Equipment + 1
RouxaRouxa Body Equipment + 1
Claw TalismanClaw Talisman Accessory + 2
Arctic Resident ClothesArctic Resident Clothes Body Equipment + 1
Indigo Easter EggIndigo Easter Egg Accessory + 1
Cowboy BootsCowboy Boots Foot Equipment + 1
Cowboy BootsCowboy Boots Foot Equipment + 1
Western BootsWestern Boots Foot Equipment + 1
Mexican BootsMexican Boots Foot Equipment + 1
Mexican BootsMexican Boots Foot Equipment + 1
GuanfuGuanfu Body Equipment + 1
GuanfuGuanfu Body Equipment + 1
GuanfuGuanfu Body Equipment + 1
Papua HeaddressPapua Headdress Head Equipment + 2
Plume HatPlume Hat Head Equipment + 2
Western HatWestern Hat Head Equipment + 2
Straw HatStraw Hat Head Equipment + 2
Ten Gallon HatTen Gallon Hat Head Equipment + 1
Ten Gallon HatTen Gallon Hat Head Equipment + 2
Officer's UniformOfficer's Uniform Body Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
Cretan LoinclothCretan Loincloth Body Equipment + 1
Western DressWestern Dress Body Equipment + 1
HappiHappi Body Equipment + 1
Lace Frill DressLace Frill Dress Body Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
Lace Frill DressLace Frill Dress Body Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
Rabbit CostumeRabbit Costume Body Equipment + 1
Rabbit CostumeRabbit Costume Body Equipment + 1
More domestic livestock can be bought at the market