Mine Detection

Mine Detection
Skill Type Adventure
Learning Cost 15,000 Đgold
Max. Level
Vigour Cost 10
Skill Requirement SearchSearch 3
Level Requirement
Where to learn this skill from
Location NPC Note
MarseilleMarseille Nostradamus
Alternatively, this skill can be learned from any Adventure Guild Master when using any jobs below.
However, the level requirement still applies
* Job name Job type Note
Favoured favoured TacticianTactician Battle
Item name Item type + Note
Galileo-style telescopeGalileo-style telescope Weapon Item + 1 Has effect
HufuHufu Body Equipment + 1
Baltazar's UniformBaltazar's Uniform Body Equipment + 1
Guangfu ExhortationGuangfu Exhortation Accessory + 3 Has EX effect
Amethyst ringAmethyst ring Accessory + 1
Tapered SabatonTapered Sabaton Foot Equipment + 1
Detect enemy laid sea mines during battle