
Skill Type Battle
Learning Cost 50,000 Đgold
Max. Level 17
Vigour Cost 20
Skill Requirement AccuracyAccuracy 2
Level Requirement
Skill can be Refined
Refine Cost 2,500,000 Đgold
Refine Effect Fast reloading Fast reloading
Where to learn this skill from
Location NPC Note
TunisTunis Hisar Reis
Alternatively, this skill can be learned from any Battle Guild Master when using any jobs below.
However, the level requirement still applies
* Job name Job type Note
Favoured favoured CannoneerCannoneer Battle
Favoured favoured MusketeerMusketeer Battle
Favoured favoured High CommanderHigh Commander Battle
Item name Item type + Note
Pirate CoatPirate Coat Body Equipment + 2
Coat imbued with LoveCoat imbued with Love Body Equipment + 1
Baltazar's UniformBaltazar's Uniform Body Equipment + 3
Bronze GlovesBronze Gloves Hand Equipment + 1
Superior Brave GauntletsSuperior Brave Gauntlets Hand Equipment + 3 Has EX effect
l'Olonnais's Clothesl'Olonnais's Clothes Body Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
Brigand ShotgunBrigand Shotgun Weapon Item + 1 Has effect
Knight SabatonKnight Sabaton Foot Equipment + 1
Koxinga Army BowKoxinga Army Bow Weapon Item + 1
Boots of the Hero of the Frozen SeaBoots of the Hero of the Frozen Sea Foot Equipment + 2
Immortal Pirate's CoatImmortal Pirate's Coat Body Equipment + 1
Captain's CoatCaptain's Coat Body Equipment + 1
Tamsui Sea War ChroniclesTamsui Sea War Chronicles Accessory + 1
Calendar Watch of WisdomCalendar Watch of Wisdom Accessory + 1
Sea Monster's RobeSea Monster's Robe Body Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
English Navy FormalwearEnglish Navy Formalwear Body Equipment + 3
Chain GlovesChain Gloves Hand Equipment + 1
English Admiral OutfitEnglish Admiral Outfit Body Equipment + 1
Dutch Admiral OutfitDutch Admiral Outfit Body Equipment + 2
French Admiral OutfitFrench Admiral Outfit Body Equipment + 2
Honebami ToushirouHonebami Toushirou Weapon Item + 3 Has EX effect
Peascod-bellied DoubletPeascod-bellied Doublet Body Equipment + 2
Orca Mercenary Commander's OutfitOrca Mercenary Commander's Outfit Body Equipment + 2
Hayreddin's TurbanHayreddin's Turban Head Equipment + 1 Has EX effect
Wolf CostumeWolf Costume Body Equipment + 3 Has EX effect
Shaman's ClothesShaman's Clothes Body Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
Revolving RifleRevolving Rifle Weapon Item + 1
Yellow Easter EggYellow Easter Egg Accessory + 1
Zephyrus's Wind BagZephyrus's Wind Bag Accessory + 2 Has EX effect
Pirate CrownPirate Crown Head Equipment + 1
Awilda's HelmetAwilda's Helmet Head Equipment + 1
Tortuga HatTortuga Hat Head Equipment + 1
Peascod-bellied DoubletPeascod-bellied Doublet Body Equipment + 1
Sea Monster's RobeSea Monster's Robe Body Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
Sea Monster's RobeSea Monster's Robe Body Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
Corsair CoatCorsair Coat Body Equipment + 1
Buccaneer CoatBuccaneer Coat Body Equipment + 2
Captain's CoatCaptain's Coat Body Equipment + 1
Cowboy ClothesCowboy Clothes Body Equipment + 1
Resistance CoatResistance Coat Body Equipment + 2
Thunder SpearThunder Spear Weapon Item + 2 Has EX effect
Temporary increase in speed of cannon loads