Sail Handling

Sail Handling
Skill Type Adventure
Learning Cost 20,000 Đgold
Max. Level 15
Vigour Cost Auto Effect
Skill Requirement -
Level Requirement
Where to learn this skill from
Location NPC Note
Alternatively, this skill can be learned from any Adventure Guild Master when using any jobs below.
However, the level requirement still applies
* Job name Job type Note
Favoured favoured Adventure LearnerAdventure Learner Adventure
Favoured favoured CartographerCartographer Adventure
Favoured favoured Bounty HunterBounty Hunter Battle
Favoured favoured ShipwrightShipwright Battle
Favoured favoured Ocean ExplorerOcean Explorer Adventure
Favoured favoured FisherFisher Adventure
Favoured favoured SalvagerSalvager Adventure
Favoured favoured HelmspersonHelmsperson Adventure
Item name Item type + Note
Sailing GuideSailing Guide Accessory + 2 Has effect
Raven RobeRaven Robe Body Equipment + 1
Sea People's ArmourSea People's Armour Body Equipment + 1
Sea People's Armour EXSea People's Armour EX Body Equipment + 1 Has EX effect
Circumliner CloakCircumliner Cloak Body Equipment + 2
Voyageur CloakVoyageur Cloak Body Equipment + 2
Voyageur CloakVoyageur Cloak Body Equipment + 2
Chevalier CloakChevalier Cloak Body Equipment + 1
Circumliner RobeCircumliner Robe Body Equipment + 2
Voyageur RobeVoyageur Robe Body Equipment + 2
Voyageur RobeVoyageur Robe Body Equipment + 2
SamueSamue Body Equipment + 2
Feather Hair OrnamentsFeather Hair Ornaments Head Equipment + 1
Ultramarine glovesUltramarine gloves Hand Equipment + 1
Prester John's Wrist GuardsPrester John's Wrist Guards Hand Equipment + 1
Onyx EarringOnyx Earring Accessory + 2
Jet EarringJet Earring Accessory + 1
Netherlands Sailing GuideNetherlands Sailing Guide Accessory + 2
Burial Goods AmuletBurial Goods Amulet Accessory + 1
Traveller's amuletTraveller's amulet Accessory + 1
MistletoeMistletoe Accessory + 2
Mistletoe ReplicaMistletoe Replica Accessory + 2
Eagle featherEagle feather Accessory + 2
Hyalite RingHyalite Ring Accessory + 2
Honour student's proofHonour student's proof Accessory + 1
OceansOceans Accessory + 2
Mazu AmuletMazu Amulet Accessory + 1 Has effect
Voyageur RobeVoyageur Robe Body Equipment + 1
Voyageur CloakVoyageur Cloak Body Equipment + 1
Ancient Star AtlasAncient Star Atlas Accessory + 1 Has EX effect
Quintet Coat of the CloudsQuintet Coat of the Clouds Body Equipment + 1
Traveller's Amulet EXTraveller's Amulet EX Accessory + 1 Has EX effect
Pilgrim of the Ages BootsPilgrim of the Ages Boots Foot Equipment + 1
Hermes' SandalsHermes' Sandals Foot Equipment + 1
Introduction to SailingIntroduction to Sailing Accessory + 1 Has effect
Wrought Steel Wrist Armour - SpecialWrought Steel Wrist Armour - Special Hand Equipment + 2
Polar Bear GlovesPolar Bear Gloves Hand Equipment + 1
Delphin Special UniformDelphin Special Uniform Body Equipment + 1
The Sword of the God of the South WindThe Sword of the God of the South Wind Weapon Item + 1
The Sword of the God of the North WindThe Sword of the God of the North Wind Weapon Item + 1
The Sword of the God of the West WindThe Sword of the God of the West Wind Weapon Item + 1
The Sword of the God of the East WindThe Sword of the God of the East Wind Weapon Item + 1
MittensMittens Hand Equipment + 1
Maius CrownMaius Crown Head Equipment + 1
Maius HatMaius Hat Head Equipment + 1
Rabbit-shaped Head OrnamentRabbit-shaped Head Ornament Head Equipment + 1
Chevalier RobeChevalier Robe Body Equipment + 1
Rabbit CostumeRabbit Costume Body Equipment + 1
Rabbit CostumeRabbit Costume Body Equipment + 1
Astrologer's RobeAstrologer's Robe Body Equipment + 3 Has EX effect
Increases the sailing speed of the ship. The effect increases according to Rank