Mouse Database
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This unthinkable abomination is the result of the Mythweaver's exhaustive research into all the most dangerous and most infamous mice across the Kingdom.
It was built as the ultimate guardian of the Folklore Forest, programmed exclusively to prevent the pesky MouseHunters from delving deeper into the Mythweaver's nefarious plans in that fantastical place. This is his proudest creation as it embodies everything that makes the mice of Gnawnia fearsome, formidable, and destined for greatness. He considers it the perfect mouse and a shining example of why the Kingdom truly belongs to the mice and thus why the humans deserve to be written out of its history completely. This astonishing creation is powered by the highly advanced and mind-bogglingly powerful Kilohertz Processors. These tiny devices imbue the M1000 with unimaginable might and it is believed that any hunter who managed to retrieve and activate them would be able to harness the power and luck contained within for themselves. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Bait: Fusion Fondue
![]() Note: This mouse can only be attracted as the last mouse for the M400 Hunting Research Assignment, and only when is armed Weaknesses
Profile Description
The apex of modern mouseology and mousegineering. Combining years' worth of mouse ethology gathered from the top hunters in Gnawnia, the best and brightest minds out of Digby and the top secret equipment held in Laboratory Room #54 resulted in this: the M400 Prototype.
Designed to adapt and camouflage itself as all known breeds of mice, it lives among them in order to analyze and document different mouse behaviours in the wild. Advanced defences make it uncatchable to stay out of hunters' traps, and equally advanced weaponry defends itself against suspicious adversaries. The perfect mouse... A little TOO perfect. Once the behavioural modules went live, it became sentient, with the belief that it actually was a unique, wild breed of mouse! It easily broke free and has avoided all attempts at recapture. This "new" breed is next to impossible to find. Recent sightings show that it seems to have made some improvements on itself and the M400 has been spotted in multiple regions simultaneously. Leading us to believe it has some how figured out how to clone itself... What have we done!? Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Festive Comet > Great Winter Hunt event
Note: This mouse can be attracted after breaking the ice of Toys decoration Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great_winter_hunt event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
This sinister elf makes not toys for fun and entertainment, but rather constructs toys for destruction and chaos! The Mad Elf Mouse has long lost his sanity and now uses his toy assembly knowledge for evil by creating horrible abominations bent on destroying hunters and ultimately the Kingdom of Gnawnia!
To ensure his victory, the Mad Elf Mouse has created a protective field to weaken much of a hunter's equipment. Hunters with a powerful Arcane trap will have an incredible advantage when trying to capture him! Mousehunt Wiki page
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This dignified and highly respected author may not be as widely known as some of her colleagues but those in the know consider her to be the originator of the term "fairy tale". Of her long list of writing credits, the most influential include: "Princess Mousette", "The Mouse and the Orange Cheese", "The Little Good Mouse", and "Silverlocks and the Three Mice". Her immense knowledge of folklore and commanding presence in the literary community are both essential ingredients in the potential success of the Mythweaver's plan.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Using their enchanted looms, these seamstress mice produce delicate mage cloth at an astonishing speed. As each sheet of fabric is completed, Mage Weaver mice release an ionized charge from enchanted orbs to magically transport their product to an unknown location.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Valour Rift > Magic
Bait: Brie String Cheese ![]() Note: Magic Floor 13+: 13, 21, 29, 37, 45, 53, 61, 69, 77, 85, 93 (8F+5) Weaknesses
Profile Description
A master of the magical arts. Only those who have passed the Test of Mystics and have survived the Grand Trials of the Magi are awarded the title of Magic Champion. They utilize their honed magics to halt those who dare to challenge the higher floors of the Rift Gauntlet Tower.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Magic Mouse will make your cheese. . . disappear! Using only the power of his mind (and some smoke, mirrors and pulleys) he can levitate even the largest wheels of cheese off of trap bases, and into the mouths of his lovely assistants. No cage can hold him, and no rope can bind him. . . unless someone other than his lovely assistants is doing the tying, but that's giving his enemies an unfair advantage, isn’t it?
Mousehunt Wiki page
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One course at a time wasn't enough for this studious scientist! She pushes herself to the limit by doing all of her homework for all of her courses simultaneously. Keeping all of those things in her head at the same time requires a lot of concentration so she doesn't take kindly to being interrupted.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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The mighty Magma Carrier mouse works tirelessly, for unknown reasons, carrying hot magma from the depths of Dracano into the Jungle of Dread.
Over time, the delivered magma has slowly begun to expand the island. The Magma Carrier mouse is unable to resist the zesty flavour of Spicy Havarti cheese, often mistaking its scent for that of fresh magma.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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This mage mouse has learned to harness and become energy itself. Elements, power, and people all fall before its will except for one. This mouse pledges its fealty and its life to its Warmonger alone.
Mousehunt Wiki page