Mouse Database
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Halloween event.
Profile Description
Pirate Queen of the Rift! Swashing and buckling her way through the toughest of strongholds, she steals from everyone and is strong enough to cleave her way through into other Rifts.
When Halloween approaches, the weakening of the fabric between the Rift Plane and stable lands of Gnawnia tears just enough to allow her to cutlas through and secure passage on the ghostships, pillaging a whole new world of victims! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Feasting upon what scraps of gooey Radioactive Blue cheese it finds, this horrific mouse has gorged itself to massive proportions.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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This mouse soaks up the golden rays of the sun leaving her skin looking like pure 24-carat gold!
Rumor has it that a small number of these mice are actually made of gold which make them one of the more tempting reasons to brave the rift. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Festive Comet > Great Winter Hunt event
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great_winter_hunt event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Have you ever noticed a gingerbread cookie that you didn't remember baking, just casually hanging out on your counter like it ain't no thang? Well, that's not the gingerbread man trying to be sneaky, it's the Gingerbread Mouse! This portly little guy isn't actually made of gingerbread, he just dresses up like gingerbread cookies and sneaks into houses so he can eat gingerbread. From every cookie eaten, he takes a small decoration and adds it to his costume, becoming ever more convincing with every snack.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Festive Comet > Great Winter Hunt event
Bait: Pecan Pecorino Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great_winter_hunt event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Hailing from the Glacial Alps of northern Gnawnia. This abominable snow beast is tired of living in the cold, windy mountains! After hearing of the King's plans to create a cozy winter wonderland south of the Town of Gnawnia, she was easily persuaded to join other mice in fighting against the hunters.
Glacia's immense strength and acclimation to the frigid cold makes her a great asset to the cause and an incredible rival. Her unique "finesse" when working with ice also helped to persuade them to put her into a position of power. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Combining ancient melee training with the primal magic of a Seer mouse results in this massive and intimidating Gladiator. With their colossal strength, their role is to destroy any enemies that would threaten the Derr Chieftain.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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This once hungry and determined guardian of the Sky Palace has become complacent over the years due to the lack of worthy challengers ever since the Sky Palace was cut off from the lands below. Once a shining example of physical prowess, this mouse's focus has gone from glutes to glamour, from strength training to bodybuilding, and from sword fighting to sword polishing. Now that the hunters of Gnawnia have found a way to reach the Empyrean Sky Palace, this mouse will be facing an even tougher challenge than maintaining those luscious golden locks.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Despite their small stature, these mice have an amazing lung capacity, making them experts at crafting molten glass.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Festive Comet > Great Winter Hunt event
Bait: Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great_winter_hunt event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Now here's a guy who knows how to enjoy the holidays! Smothered in a generous coating of Pecorino Glaze while sipping on some syrup while he basks under the cold, winter sun. The sticky blanket of glaze insulates from any heat loss, gives fur that soft, silky shine and makes the skin supple and soft.
The only thing that can disturb this cool dude from being glued to his cozy fortress of solitude is more Pecorino Glaze, he just can't seem to slather on enough! Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Note: This mouse is released whenever MouseHunt experiences unexpected downtime due to server issues.
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during any certain event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
The diet of a Glitchpaw mouse mostly consists of wires and circuit boards. Although they spend most of their time in hiding, occasionally these mice run rampant throughout the Kingdom causing all sorts of technical problems for the King's hunting operation. Is your cheese failing to attract? Can't seem to find that oh-so-rare map piece? Having a horrible streak of "red boxes"? It's a pretty safe bet that you can blame all of your problems on these scapegoats!
Mousehunt Wiki page