Mouse Database
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An eccentric type of fish, totally oblivious to everything in the ocean, even foregoing eating and sleeping if something shiny happens to catch their eye. You know when one is nearby based on its whale-like howls and echoing cries (it thinks it's a whale).
Long and loud howls can be heard wherever Derpsharks congregate. There is nothing to fear, however, as they are relatively harmless to others. But it is wise to keep your distance when they gather, because they might not notice you nearby and overwhelm you with their massive crowd! Mousehunt Wiki page
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The leader of the Derr Tribe is eerily calm as they organize the tribe to pursue their goal of dominating the entire island. Ruthless, merciless and without remorse, the Derr Chieftain is a powerful force that commands respect from their entire tribe.
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Even in death, the mighty Derr do not take well to servitude. Balack keeps the deceased Derr Elders chained at all times lest they overthrow him and send him to an even deeper accursed plane. It is inadvisable to get on a Derr Lich’s bad side, but unfortunately, every side seems to be their bad side. Ages of wasting under Balack’s enchantments have worn away all semblance of the Derr Lich’s original personality, except for one emotion: unmitigated rage.
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This young recruit comes from a long line of Marching Flame archers and has been eager for battle since it could stand on its two feet with the help of its tail. It may be weak in skill, but compensates with the boldness of generations past and the promise of greatness in the future.
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The ambitions of these architects far exceed their technical abilities, which often results in dangerously unstable structures. Desert Architect mice are known for their determination and resolve, making it hard to distract them from their work long enough to visit a trap. The magical scent of SUPER|brie+ is the only known means to attracting them to benefit from the abundance of loot they carry.
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Hunt in this location: Muridae Market
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse will not appear if Artisan Charm ![]() Weaknesses
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These mice wander the Sandtail Desert shrouded in mystery. Due to their stealth and rarity, Nomad mice infrequently cross paths with a hunter's trap. They can occasionally be found in market locations looking for supplies for their next epic journey.
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This mouse is freshly recruited and still a bit wobbly in the knees. While possessing enough blood thirst for ten mice, it lacks the training to be anything more than a Desert Soldier.
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Hunt in this location: Claw Shot City
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse is one of the 6 Ringleaders and is the boss when a hunter is tackling a Wanted Poster (The Thieves Gang); the poster lists an alias of 'Shadows'. Weaknesses
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Known for his short fuse and seedy dealings you would be wise to not cross this nasty varmint. With his pistols always at the ready, he's itching for a fight and he doesn't care if it's fair either. This mouse is so crooked, he could swallow nails and spit out corkscrews.
Be warned: This Desperado rolls with the 'Thieves' gang! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hunt in this location: Festive Comet > Great Winter Hunt event
Note: This mouse can be attracted after breaking the ice of Toys decoration Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great_winter_hunt event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
This mouse is a prime example of how the villainous mice of Gnawnia can turn even the most fun-filled items into instruments of destruction! Don't let the playful look of this mouse fool you. It will rob you of your cheese and pillage your trap the second you turn your back!
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Highly intelligent, fiendishly clever, and disarmingly suave, you'll need keen wits and a level head to survive an encounter with a gentleman of this calibre. Using an endless supply of contraband gadgets and illicit tactics, this morally bankrupt mouse plans to steal all the riches of the islands and take the law into his own paws.
Mousehunt Wiki page