Mouse Database
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Labyrinth
Bait: Glowing Gruyere Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: The Nightshade Nanny Mouse can be found in Superior Farming in Labyrinth. The Nightshade Nanny Mouse can be found in the Farming Garden (15+ Farming clues), and the Overgrown Farmhouse (50+ Farming clues) in Zokor. Weaknesses
Profile Description
These nannies nurse their bundle of spores until they are ready to be released. Quite dear and precious to her, she is armed with a crystalline spear capable of penetrating the strongest of metals with a parent's protective instincts to drive it.
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Profile Description
These tiny but mighty creatures have the unique power to extract water directly from the air and coalesce it into nimbus clouds. They use these clouds as reservoirs to store massive amounts of hydro power from which to draw upon during battle.
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Suggested setup
Profile Description
Known for its extreme rarity, speed and intelligence, the Ninja mouse is one of the most challenging mice to catch. A hunter will learn much from catching such a cunning foe, therefore the Ninja is worth a bundle of points.
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Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Festive Comet > Great Winter Hunt event
Note: This mouse can be attracted after breaking the ice of Winter Sports decoration Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great_winter_hunt event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Not one to be left in the snow, she blasts down the mountain with canisters of nitro to keep her top speed maxed. It's all about the speed! Greasy, lightning fast speed!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Profile Description
These migrant mice are always on the move. The cunning Nomad mice are skilled in both the art of pickpocketing and combat, capable of stealing cheese from other mice and even the most skilled of hunters.
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Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Whisker Woods Rift
Bait: Brie String Cheese ![]() Note: Nomadic Warrior mouse can be attracted and caught only if Gigantic Gnarled Tree faction has rage >= 25 Weaknesses
Profile Description
The Nomadic Warrior mice are fierce and more aggressive than the Nomad mice of our kingdom. Honed from roaming the harsh environment of the rift, she brandishes her blade in search of a challenge instead of a home.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Profile Description
This burly bruiser was assigned to sludge transportation duty on the front line because his superiors believed that his large, intimidating physique would be a great asset for defending the Toxic Tunnels. Little did they know that this mouse is actually a tenderhearted try-hard who just wants everyone to like him which is why he makes such an effort to dress up for work every day.
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Suggested setup
Profile Description
Nugget mice never grow very big, and are not very good at getting anywhere fast. When the other mice were handing out jobs, they decided the Nuggets were no competition for the likes of the Big Bad Burroughs clan. After all, Nuggets can't smash or bend or bury anything. . . and yet, the little Nuggets lead a peaceful life, gathering little bits of things that they find on the ground and hoping that they might prove useful. They're fond of shiny beetle shells, and like to form collections.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Festive Comet > Great Winter Hunt event
Note: This mouse can be attracted after breaking the ice of Toys decoration Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great_winter_hunt event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
The Nutcracker Mouse occasionally breaks its disciplined stance to nibble on a morsel of cheese. Watching a mouse attempt to "shell" a piece of cheddar is quite the strange sight!
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