Mouse Database
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Not satisfied with a simple race, this competitive mouse takes his sport to the next level by leaping over objects twice his size. He'll steal your cheese and jump over your trap before you can even finish sounding your horn! Luckily for hunters, he takes his training seriously and seems to be doing laps around the course. Worry not if you miss him; he'll be around again!
Mousehunt Wiki page
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When it comes to eating cheese off a trap, three heads are better than one! Quick and agile, the three headed Hydra mouse furiously attacks a hunter's trap in search of a morsel of cheese. Their regeneration abilities make them especially hard to catch.
This mouse was designed by Mousehunt fan Neilson Cheng!
Mousehunt Wiki page
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The Hydrologists have made the impossible possible! With their advanced understandings and study of water, they have made the idea of an underwater habitat a reality!
In charge of keeping the homeostasis of the Sunken City, they work diligently to keep everything running smoothly. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Most mice living in Zugzwang's garden have some desire to fit into their seasonal area, but the Hydrophobe mouse proves a rare exception to the rule. To a Hydrophobe, wet fur is a misery, and so they seek shelter under anything they can find (leaves, roots, a looming Deathbot) in order to dodge mother nature's attacks on their well-being. Their dislike for spring rain is so strong, in fact, that it counteracts the seasonal magic.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hunt in this location: Fort Rox > NIGHT TIME:,Midnight,Pitch,Utter Darkness,First Light
Bait: Moon Cheese ![]() Weaknesses
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A young, promising gunslinger hypnotized by the mysterious magics brought about by the meteorite in Fort Rox. Trading in his prowess for precision for a small chunk of meteorite, he now remains entranced by the rock which has taken hold of his mind.
Mousehunt Wiki page