Mouse Database
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Profile Description
The Seadragon Mouse is named after its dragon-like appearance, though it lacks the imposing physique of a true dragon. Fairly small in size, the Seadragon Mouse enjoys life along the bottom of most sea banks, mostly floating and drifting, using their tails to anchor themselves in the more interesting parts of the ocean.
They have long, leaf-like appendages which help them blend in with the local flora. This also makes them exceptionally well suited at peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek! Mousehunt Wiki page
Profile Description
Busy, busy, busy! This specialized cartographer creates highly detailed maps of all the islands but since they are constantly moving, he is constantly working!
Mousehunt Wiki page
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These mice use their vast knowledge and keen perception to predict when hunters are approaching. Long strings of failures to attract may indicate that a Seer mouse is nearby.
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Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Bristle Woods Rift > Ancient Laboratory,Frozen Alcove,Gearworks,Guard Barracks,Ingress Chamber,Lucky Tower,Pursuer Mousoleum,Runic Laboratory,Security Chamber,Timewarp Chamber
Bait: Brie String Cheese ![]() ![]() ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
This fiery glob of slime has been given life and even its very own tiny skeleton! It is a byproduct of the volatile magics at work within the Bristle Woods Rift. It moves rather swiftly and its oozing outerlayer is hot to the touch. Nothing's quite as terrifying as an upright, combat-ready, thinking, moving slime with its own skeletal structure!
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Having earned the right to wear the monocle spy glass of scouts, this mouse has been newly promoted and shows promise for further advancement.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hidden among the outcroppings, burrows and other dark nooks and crannies within the deep, the Serpent Monster Mouse slithers up on their unsuspecting prey out in the dark, swallowing it whole! Their long, sharp teeth act mostly like confining prison bars that prevent the swallowed prey from escaping their life sentence. Yuck!
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Sand Dunes
Bait: Graveblossom Camembert ![]() Note: This mouse can be attracted and caught only in Sand Crypts. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Be careful on your travels when you see long, winding tracks in the sand! Odds are good a poisonous Serpentine Mouse is nearby, buried under the sand and ready to spring!
While the Serpentine Mouse is dangerous when provoked, it prefers cheese over any other food, and will prefer to raid a nearby trap for its dinner, so be sure to keep your trap stocked with tasty cheese! Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Bristle Woods Rift > Acolyte Chamber,Guard Barracks,Hidden Treasury,Ingress Chamber,Runic Laboratory,Security Chamber
Bait: Ancient String Cheese ![]() ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
When a mouse perishes within the Rift, the powerful forces within it trap their essence and prevent it from passing into the ether. These poor, unfortunate souls lash out at anything nearby, desperately longing for freedom from their bonds.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Valour Rift > Eclipse
Bait: Brie String Cheese ![]() Note: Eclipse Floor 8+: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96 (8F) Weaknesses
Profile Description
With the power to eclipse any source of light, this mouse is capable of bending even reality itself to its every whim. To pull itself away from the influence of the King, it has created its own sanctuary deep within an infinite tower. Here, tucked safely away from the King's scouts, it weaves a dark ritual...
Those strong enough to scale the tower will eventually meet one of the many shades of the Eclipse. It leaves one behind everytime it separates its reality into a new one, ducking behind the veil yet again. Capturing a Shade will temporarily stabilize the Rift, syncing the timelines, allowing hunters to keep their tenuous grip on their position in the tower for just... a little... longer... Mousehunt Wiki page
Profile Description
This profound professor's extraordinarily powerful Shadow magic is fuelled by quantum fluctuations so minute that he had to invent his own tools to measure them. Upon realizing the potential of these bizarre, magical principles of physics, he discovered that as long as he doesn't measure himself, he can exist in a quantum superposition and therefore be in multiple places at once! This incredible revelation has tripled his productively so now he can be teaching classes, grading papers, and snoozing in the staff lounge all at the same time!
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