Mouse Database
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Slightly feistier than their white cousins, the grey mouse is also a very common mouse. They pose very little challenge, and thus garner little reward. Great for the starting mouse hunter.
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Halloween event.
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The definition of creepy and crawly! The Grey Recluse is one to watch out for while carefully hunting during Halloween. Even after being captured, his sticky webs have a way to tie up travellers and keep them from advancing.
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Tearing up the Rift rock with the wake she leaves behind, the Greyrun Mouse is known for her tremendous swiftness and agility! The speed that she can achieve allows her to leap and travel long distances, overcoming obstacles with ease.
Once she has her eyes set on you, there's no getting away from this one! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Looking for a deal, a steal, the bargain of a lifetime? Then look no further than this crafty flimflam mouse with its devious smile and utter lack of morals! The Grit Grifter can be found in the shadier parts of the Foreword Farm where a hunter needs to watch their back and have their wits about them. This sneaky swindler is a surefire way to collect Papyrus Seeds just as long as you don't ask where they came from.
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Hunt in this location: Whisker Woods Rift
Bait: Brie String Cheese ![]() Charm: Note: Grizzled Silth mouse can be attracted and caught only if Deep Lagoon faction has rage >= 25 Weaknesses
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Old and wise, the Grizzled Silth Mouse is sought out for his great wisdom and he provides it to all who seek him out, even to hunters who try to capture him. He is quite elusive and prefers a hermit-like lifestyle, spending more time out of the water than in, which makes him harder to track.
Despite his age, he is not above a good fight, and will often challenge other mice with an aggressive stance. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Not too keen on travel and wary of extreme heights, these specialized defenders guard clearings and other obvious landing sites on the islands. They stand ready to smash the anchors of invading airships or pound in grounding spikes to keep those that have already landed from escaping.
A giant croquet keeps the airship at bay! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Grubling Herders are a solemn and insular group, trained from birth to direct and control the voracious Grubling mice away from vital crops. They hail from a place of shadow known only as "Muddy'Deeb", and dedicate their lives to ensuring the rampage of the Grubling mice remains under their control.
The Grublings must flow! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Aw, what a cute little horror! Tiny little Grubling Mice may be adorable, but they're sort of rare, and a good thing, too. They race around in a literal stampede from food source to food source, absolutely devouring everything they find, and cannot be attracted to your trap by mere cheese alone. No, you'll have to find some form of charm to attract them during a stampede - perhaps in the shape of their favourite food?
Although they're cute now, Grubling Mice that can secure enough food build themselves a charming little cocoon and slowly morph into the far more dangerous Scarab Mouse, so catch as many as you can now to help keep the population in check! Mousehunt Wiki page
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The strongest mouse of the Derr Tribe, this mammoth gathers supplies and easily carries them back to the village. The Grunt mouse possesses a keen work ethic, proudly shouting "I AM GET ITEMS!" as they enter the village, eager to return to the jungle to gather more.
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Trained warrior for the Derr Tribe, the Guardian mouse is chosen by the tribe's leader and entrusted with the role of protecting the village. They will fight with unyielding might and never show mercy in order to protect their tribe.
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