Black Tea

Black Tea
Goods Type Luxury Goodsluxury_goods
Goods Type Category 2
Local Specialty India
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
MozambiqueMozambique Market Keeper Africa Southern Africa
DiuDiu Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
CalicutCalicut Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
CeylonCeylon Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
BostonBoston Market Keeper America E Coast of North America
VisakhapatnamVisakhapatnam Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
Used as material in
Recipe Materials Result Note
Making Sweet Tea
10 6
SugarSugar x1
Black TeaBlack Tea x2
Black Tea with SugarBlack Tea with Sugar x1-2
Making Rich Sweet Tea
13 11
Black TeaBlack Tea x2
Sweetened Condensed Milk x1
Black Tea with Sweetened Condensed MilkBlack Tea with Sweetened Condensed Milk x1-2
Made from fermented tea leaves. Known for its red color and fragrance.