
Location Type Port
Region Eastern Africa India
Subregion The Bay Of Bengal
Coordinate 3800,4060
Connected to -
Port Data
Min. disguise 0
Languages indian_languages
Port permit Port Permit - The Indian OceanPort Permit - The Indian Ocean
Culture India
Quest NPC None
Has archive No
Goods Goods Type Investment Period Local Specialty
PepperPepper Spicesspices 320,000 Đinvestment India
Black TeaBlack Tea Luxury Goodsluxury_goods India
Indian Indigo DyeIndian Indigo Dye Dyesdyes India
CinnamonCinnamon Spicesspices India
CottonCotton Fibresfibres
SheepSheep Livestocklivestock
LumberLumber Wareswares
Iron OreIron Ore Oresores 320,000 Đinvestment
Red OreRed Ore Oresores 8,500,000 Đinvestment

There is a current bug that unlocks the goods by investing any amount instead of the Ducats listed above

Items Type Price Investment Period
Hell Fire TorchHell Fire Torch Consumables 300 Đgold
NarnalNarnal Weapon Item 42,000 Đgold 180,000 Đinvestment
Strong Adhesive OilStrong Adhesive Oil Consumables 200 Đgold
ArsenicArsenic Consumables 400 Đgold
Scent Of Captivation 1,000 Đgold
PajamasPajamas Body Equipment 284,200 Đgold
SalwarSalwar Body Equipment 45,600 Đgold

The required investment might not be accurate as the price keeps getting updated by devs.

Port city located on the eastern coast of India. There are many Buddhist ruins there, which have been historically visited by pilgrims. The city flourished with the protection from Ashoka the Great of the Maurya Empire. The cityscape also shows the influence of later rulers.