
Goods Type Precious Stonesprecious_stones
Goods Type Category 4
Local Specialty India
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
GoaGoa Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
CeylonCeylon Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
PeguPegu Market Keeper Asia Southeast Asia
CalcuttaCalcutta Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Make red crystal lv1
Red OreRed Ore x4 GarnetGarnet x1
RubyRuby x1 Great Success
MA item
Indian Specialties (No. 2)
Make red crystal lv2
Red OreRed Ore x4 GarnetGarnet x1
RubyRuby x1-2 Great Success
MA item
Indian Specialties (No. 2)
Make red crystal lv3
Red OreRed Ore x4 GarnetGarnet x1
RubyRuby x1-2 Great Success
MA item
Indian Specialties (No. 2)
Used as material in
Recipe Materials Result Note
Sculpting a phoenix
RubyRuby x5
MarbleMarble x7
LumberLumber x15
Phoenix x1 MA item
Holy Creatures Of Legends
Figureheads Modeled After Animals
Sculpt St. of Gunners
17 3
GoldGold x12
RubyRuby x12
LumberLumber x30
Saint Barbara x1
Sculpt St. of fire prevention
17 3
RubyRuby x15
MarbleMarble x20
LumberLumber x35
Saint Agatha x1
An extremely hard, deep red gemstone.
Rare and valuable.