Vainqueur Armour

Vainqueur Armour
Type Body Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 100
FormalityFormality 30
AttackAttack 8
DefenseDefense 90
Min FameMin Fame 20,000
TitleTitle vainqueur
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Armour For Titled Warriors Vol 2
RubyRuby x20
GoldworkGoldwork x10
Improved Steel Sheet x5
Vainqueur ArmourVainqueur Armour x1 17th Century - Period 117th Century - Period 1
17th Century - Period 217th Century - Period 2
17th Century - Period 317th Century - Period 3
17th Century - Period 417th Century - Period 4
An imposing armor that can be only worn by those who hold the special title.