White Alchemy Ointment

MA item
White Alchemy Ointment
Goods Type Medicinemedicine
Goods Type Category 1
Local Specialty -
Produced by
Used as material in
Basic Alchemy-SecretsBasic Alchemy-Secrets View details
Paracelsus' AlchemyParacelsus' Alchemy View details
Folklore Alchemy Pt. 1Folklore Alchemy Pt. 1 View details
Folklore Alchemy Pt. 2Folklore Alchemy Pt. 2 View details
Folklore Alchemy Pt. 6Folklore Alchemy Pt. 6 View details
John Dee's AlchemyJohn Dee's Alchemy View details
Records and Application of AlchemyRecords and Application of Alchemy View details
A white ointment used in alchemy.
Useless to laypeople.