John Dee's Alchemy

John Dee's Alchemy
Item Type Recipe
Recipe Type AlchemyAlchemy
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
How to get
Port Continent Region From Details
Recipe Formula
Recipe Materials Result Note
White alchemy potion
SaltSalt x10
White OreWhite Ore x10
Seal of UndineSeal of Undine x1
White Alchemy OintmentWhite Alchemy Ointment x1-2 MA item
Alchemy Potions
Mix red alchemy potion
White Alchemy OintmentWhite Alchemy Ointment x1
GoldGold x10
Rare BooksRare Books x5
Red Alchemy OintmentRed Alchemy Ointment x1-2 MA item
Alchemy Potions
Mix black alchemy potion
Red Alchemy OintmentRed Alchemy Ointment x1
GoldGold x10
Rare BooksRare Books x5
Black Alchemy OintmentBlack Alchemy Ointment x1-2 MA item
Alchemy Potions
Forging Fool's Hands
6 6
White Alchemy OintmentWhite Alchemy Ointment x1
GoldGold x10
Fool's HandsFool's Hands x1
Fool's HandsFool's Hands x1
Dagger refinement
White Alchemy OintmentWhite Alchemy Ointment x5
Working knifeWorking knife x1
Seal of UndineSeal of Undine x1
Lunar-crested KnifeLunar-crested Knife x1
Development of Alchemy
Rare BooksRare Books x5
SulphurSulphur x5
CopperCopper x10
GoldGold x2-3
Reforge pilgrim knight's armour
Black Alchemy OintmentBlack Alchemy Ointment x5
Pilgrim Knight's ArmourPilgrim Knight's Armour x1
Spider Oil x1
Reissued Pilgrim Knight's ArmourReissued Pilgrim Knight's Armour x1 MA item
Resurrected Armours
Reforge black armour
8 3
Black Alchemy OintmentBlack Alchemy Ointment x7
Black Prince's ArmourBlack Prince's Armour x1
Medusas Curse x1
Reissued Black Prince ArmourReissued Black Prince Armour x1 MA item
Resurrected Armours
Reforge copper armour
8 2
Red Alchemy OintmentRed Alchemy Ointment x7
Copper ArmourCopper Armour x1
Traveller's amuletTraveller's amulet x1
Reissued Copper ArmourReissued Copper Armour x1 MA item
Resurrected Armours
Special alteration of Fool's Hands
Red Alchemy OintmentRed Alchemy Ointment x3
Black Alchemy OintmentBlack Alchemy Ointment x3
Fool's HandsFool's Hands x1
Fool's FeetFool's Feet x1
Producing figurehead of King Midas
GoldGold x40
Fool's HandsFool's Hands x1
Ruler x1
King Midas x1
Make Golden feet
8 7
White Alchemy OintmentWhite Alchemy Ointment x15
Fool's FeetFool's Feet x1
Amulet written in hieroglyphsAmulet written in hieroglyphs x1
Golden FeetGolden Feet x1
Make wisdom boots
Red Alchemy OintmentRed Alchemy Ointment x7
Fur BootsFur Boots x1
Exquisite FurExquisite Fur x4
Boots of WisdomBoots of Wisdom x1
Extracting mercury
CinnabarCinnabar x3 MercuryMercury x1-3 MA item
Alchemy Primer
Reforge silver-plated armour
10 5
White Alchemy OintmentWhite Alchemy Ointment x8
Silver-plated ArmourSilver-plated Armour x1
Scholar's amuletScholar's amulet x1
Reissued Silver-plated ArmourReissued Silver-plated Armour x1 MA item
Resurrected Armours
Building Basic Test Kiln
10 10
SandSand x50
Clay x30
Caustic LimeCaustic Lime x1
Basic Alchemy Test Kiln x1
Building Test Kiln
11 11
SandSand x70
Clay x45
Caustic LimeCaustic Lime x1
Alchemy Test Kiln x1
Building Modified Test Kiln
12 12
SandSand x90
Clay x60
Caustic LimeCaustic Lime x1
Adv Alchemy Test Kiln x1
Forging Fool's Feet
8 8
Black Alchemy OintmentBlack Alchemy Ointment x1
GoldGold x10
Fool's FeetFool's Feet x1
Fool's FeetFool's Feet x1
Advancement of Alchemy
GoldGold x1
Rare BooksRare Books x15
MercuryMercury x15
GoldGold x4-5
Forging Gold Hands
13 13
Black Alchemy OintmentBlack Alchemy Ointment x1
GoldGold x15
Gold HandsGold Hands x1
Gold HandsGold Hands x1
Forging Golden Feet
14 14
Red Alchemy OintmentRed Alchemy Ointment x1
GoldGold x15
Golden FeetGolden Feet x1
Golden FeetGolden Feet x1
A book of alchemy compiled by John Dee.
Alchemy Skill: Rank 1+