
Goods Type Fibresfibres
Goods Type Category 3
Local Specialty -
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
LondonLondon Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
BilbaoBilbao Market Keeper Europe Western Europe
OsloOslo Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
ManchesterManchester Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
EdinburghEdinburgh Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
ArguinArguin Market Keeper Africa Western Africa
ValenciaValencia Market Keeper Europe Western Europe
BenghaziBenghazi Market Keeper Europe Eastern Europe
KaribibKaribib Market Keeper Africa Southern Africa
Cape TownCape Town Market Keeper Africa Southern Africa
MogadishuMogadishu Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
HormuzHormuz Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
BasraBasra Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
ManamaManama Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Process wool
SheepSheep x2 WoolWool x1-2
Mass produce wool
SheepSheep x150 WoolWool x50
Used as material in
The fleece of sheep is insulating and widely used for clothing.