
Location Type Port
Region Eastern Africa India
Subregion The Persian Bay
Coordinate 2190,3730
Connected to SuezSuez
Northwest BasraNorthwest Basra
Port Data
Min. disguise 50
Languages ArabicArabic
Port permit Port Permit - The Red SeaPort Permit - The Red Sea
Culture Persia
Quest NPC None
Has archive No
Goods Goods Type Investment Period Local Specialty
WoolWool Fibresfibres
CheeseCheese Foodstuffsfoodstuffs
OilOil Wareswares
SulphurSulphur Wareswares
LeatherLeather Fibresfibres
ShamshirsShamshirs Armsarms 120,000 Đinvestment
Lemon OilLemon Oil Fragrancesfragrances
Persian BerryPersian Berry Dyesdyes 180,000 Đinvestment
Persian CarpetPersian Carpet Fabricsfabrics Persia
SennaSenna Medicinemedicine

There is a current bug that unlocks the goods by investing any amount instead of the Ducats listed above

Items Type Price Investment Period
Hell Fire TorchHell Fire Torch Consumables 300 Đgold
Strong Adhesive OilStrong Adhesive Oil Consumables 200 Đgold
Numbness InducerNumbness Inducer Consumables 500 Đgold
Foul IncenseFoul Incense Consumables 3,000 Đgold
ChadriChadri Body Equipment 84,700 Đgold
ChadorChador Head Equipment 37,300 Đgold
ChapkanChapkan Body Equipment 133,700 Đgold 120,000 Đinvestment
Babylonian TunicBabylonian Tunic Body Equipment 25,000 Đgold B.C.B.C.
Babylonian DressBabylonian Dress Body Equipment 60,000 Đgold B.C.B.C.
Babylonian HeadbandBabylonian Headband Head Equipment 20,000 Đgold B.C.B.C.
Babylonian SandalsBabylonian Sandals Foot Equipment 5,000 Đgold B.C.B.C.
Zirah BoukZirah Bouk Weapon Item 60,200 Đgold 320,000 Đinvestment
Fan of sandalwoodFan of sandalwood Accessory 25,000 Đgold 180,000 Đinvestment
Assorted Secret ElixirsAssorted Secret Elixirs Consumables 1,300 Đgold

The required investment might not be accurate as the price keeps getting updated by devs.

A town located near the Persian Gulf. Believed to have been built in the 7th century, it became a center of trade and culture during the 8th century. However, with the decline of the Abbasid Caliphate it began to lose importance. Even so, it remains a distribution point for important products such as Persian rugs.