Consul Coat
Type Body Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
Equippable Jobs trader
DurabilityDurability 50
FormalityFormality 55
DefenseDefense 20
Min FameMin Fame 50,000
A flashy costume that can be worn by voyagers who've captured the heart of a shop girl.
Consul Coat
Type Body Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
Equippable Jobs trader
DurabilityDurability 50
FormalityFormality 55
DefenseDefense 20
Min FameMin Fame 50,000
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Fine Merchant Clothes Vol 2
Silk ClothSilk Cloth x30
Gold ThreadGold Thread x30
Fine FurFine Fur x5
Consul CoatConsul Coat x1
A flashy costume that can be worn by voyagers who've captured the heart of a shop girl.
Consul Coat
Type Body Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 50
FormalityFormality 55
DefenseDefense 20
Min FameMin Fame 500
A flashy costume that can be worn by voyagers who've captured the heart of a shop girl.
Consul Coat
Type Body Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 50
FormalityFormality 55
DefenseDefense 20
Min FameMin Fame 50,000
A flashy costume that can be worn by voyagers who've captured the heart of a shop girl.
Consul Coat
Type Body Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 50
FormalityFormality 60
DefenseDefense 20
Min FameMin Fame 50,000
Court RankCourt Rank 7th Knight #6
A flashy costume that can be worn by voyagers who've captured the heart of a shop girl.