Damask Surcoat

Damask Surcoat
Type Body Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 35
FormalityFormality 8
DisguiseDisguise 5
DefenseDefense 10
Min FameMin Fame 600
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Altering surcoats
Damask FabricDamask Fabric x2
Leather CordLeather Cord x3
SurcoatSurcoat x1
Damask SurcoatDamask Surcoat x1
Used as material in
Recipe Materials Result Note
Degarine tailoring
FurFur x30
Leather CordLeather Cord x35
Damask SurcoatDamask Surcoat x1
DegarineDegarine x1
Damask Surcoat Damask Surcoat Damask Surcoat Damask Surcoat
A garment made using the common weaving technique found in the Near East. Traveller's clothing.