Pirate's Boots
Type Foot Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 30
FormalityFormality 15
AttackAttack 3
DefenseDefense 15
NotorietyNotoriety 5,000
Boots with many straps. They won't come off even if you make violent movements.
Pirate's Boots
Type Foot Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 50
FormalityFormality 18
AttackAttack 3
DefenseDefense 18
NotorietyNotoriety 6,000
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Ornate pirate's boots recipe
SuedeSuede x10
Gold ThreadGold Thread x15
Fine DyeFine Dye x5
Pirate's BootsPirate's Boots x1 17th Century - Period 417th Century - Period 4
MA item
Caribbean Pirates Clothing Culture
Boots with many straps. They won't come off even if you make violent movements.
Pirate's Boots
Type Foot Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 40
FormalityFormality 5
DefenseDefense 15
Min FameMin Fame 5,000

PlunderPlunder +1

Boots with many straps. They won't come off even if you make violent movements.