Production Techniques of the Great Lighthouse

Production Techniques of the Great Lighthouse
Item Type Recipe
Recipe Type CastingCasting
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
How to get
Port Continent Region From Details
Recipe Formula
Recipe Materials Result Note
Sewing Premium Sails
Main Top Royal Sail x1
Strange Sail x5
Specially Fashioned RopeSpecially Fashioned Rope x1
Premium Top Royal Sail x1
Sewing Premium Staysails
Main Royal Staysail x1
Strange Sail x5
Specially Fashioned RopeSpecially Fashioned Rope x1
Premium Royal Staysail x1
Sewing Premium Full Rigged Sail
Main Full Rigged Sail x1
Strange Sail x5
Specially Fashioned RopeSpecially Fashioned Rope x1
Premium Full Rigged Sail x1
Casting Hyper Steel Plating
Improved Steel Sheet x1
Strange Armouring x5
Set of Repair ToolsSet of Repair Tools x1
Hyper Steel Plating x1
Casting Hyper Hardened Steel Plating
Hyper Steel Plating x1
Improved Steel Sheet x3
Strange Armouring x4
Hyper Hardened Steel Plating x1
Hyper Volkan (18)
Volkan 8 x1
Strange Cannon x5
Set of Repair ToolsSet of Repair Tools x1
Hyper Volkan 18 x1
Hyper Seraphim (18)
Seraphim 12 x1
Strange Cannon x5
Set of Repair ToolsSet of Repair Tools x1
Hyper Seraphim 18 x1
Hyper Cheminee Cannon (18)
Cheminee 8 x1
Strange Cannon x5
Set of Repair ToolsSet of Repair Tools x1
Hyper Cheminee 18 x1
Casting Hyper Rolled Steel Plating
Hyper Steel Plating x1
Improved Steel Sheet x2
Strange Armouring x3
Hyper Rolled Steel Plating x1
Hyper Exploder (18)
Exploder 10 x1
Strange Cannon x5
Set of Repair ToolsSet of Repair Tools x1
Hyper Exploder 18 x1
Hyper Carronade (18)
Carronade 6 x1
Strange Cannon x5
Set of Repair ToolsSet of Repair Tools x1
Hyper Carronade 18 x1
Hyper Cannon (18)
Cannon 6 x1
Strange Cannon x5
Set of Repair ToolsSet of Repair Tools x1
Hyper Cannon 18 x1
Hyper High Perrier (18)
High Perrier 10 x1
Strange Cannon x5
Set of Repair ToolsSet of Repair Tools x1
Hyper High Perrier 18 x1
Making Sea Monster Clothes
Platinum OrePlatinum Ore x4
SuedeSuede x50
Fish Like Phantom Monsters Relic x8
Sea Monster's RobeSea Monster's Robe x1 MA item
Fish In The Sea Of Wonders
Making a Sea Monster Hat
Platinum OrePlatinum Ore x4
Exquisite FurExquisite Fur x50
Fish Like Phantom Monsters Relic x6
Sea Monster's HoodSea Monster's Hood x1 MA item
Fish In The Sea Of Wonders
Making Phantom Monster Boots
Woollen FabricWoollen Fabric x50
Platinum OrePlatinum Ore x4
Fish Like Phantom Monsters Relic x5
Sea Monster's BootsSea Monster's Boots x1
Making a Sea Monster Spear
Platinum OrePlatinum Ore x4
SteelSteel x50
Fish Like Phantom Monsters Relic x7
Sea Monster's Evil SpearSea Monster's Evil Spear x1 MA item
Fish In The Sea Of Wonders
Making Sea Monster Paneling
Platinum OrePlatinum Ore x5
Fish Like Phantom Monsters Relic x10
Metal WorkMetal Work x1
Phantom PanelingPhantom Paneling x1 MA item
Fish In The Sea Of Wonders
Making a Replica of the Sea Monster's Tusks
Platinum OrePlatinum Ore x2
MarbleMarble x50
Fish Like Phantom Monsters Relic x2
Sea Monsters Tusk x1 MA item
Fish In The Sea Of Wonders
Making Sea Monster's Flag
Cotton FabricCotton Fabric x50
Platinum OrePlatinum Ore x3
Fish Like Phantom Monsters Relic x5
Flag Of A Sea Monster x1 MA item
Fish In The Sea Of Wonders
Making Spanish Military Phantom Paneling
Improved Steel Sheet x50
Spanish Military PanelingSpanish Military Paneling x1
Phantom PanelingPhantom Paneling x1
Spanish Military Phantom PanelingSpanish Military Phantom Paneling x1
Making Portuguese Military Phantom Paneling
Improved Steel Sheet x50
Portuguese Military PanelingPortuguese Military Paneling x1
Phantom PanelingPhantom Paneling x1
Portuguese Military Phantom PanelingPortuguese Military Phantom Paneling x1
Making Venetian Military Phantom Paneling
Improved Steel Sheet x50
Venice Military PanelingVenice Military Paneling x1
Phantom PanelingPhantom Paneling x1
Venetian Military Phantom PanelingVenetian Military Phantom Paneling x1
Making French Military Phantom Paneling
Improved Steel Sheet x50
French Military PanelingFrench Military Paneling x1
Phantom PanelingPhantom Paneling x1
French Military Phantom PanelingFrench Military Phantom Paneling x1
Making Dutch Military Phantom Paneling
Improved Steel Sheet x50
Dutch Military PanelingDutch Military Paneling x1
Phantom PanelingPhantom Paneling x1
Dutch Military Phantom PanelingDutch Military Phantom Paneling x1
Making English Military Phantom Paneling
Improved Steel Sheet x50
English Military PanelingEnglish Military Paneling x1
Phantom PanelingPhantom Paneling x1
English Military Phantom PanelingEnglish Military Phantom Paneling x1
Making Ottoman Military Phantom Paneling
Improved Steel Sheet x50
Ottoman Military PanelingOttoman Military Paneling x1
Phantom PanelingPhantom Paneling x1
Ottoman Military Phantom PanelingOttoman Military Phantom Paneling x1
Making Holy Roman Imperial Phantom Paneling
Improved Steel Sheet x50
Holy Roman Imperial PanelingHoly Roman Imperial Paneling x1
Phantom PanelingPhantom Paneling x1
Holy Roman Imperial Phantom PanelingHoly Roman Imperial Phantom Paneling x1
Making Swedish Phantom Paneling
Improved Steel Sheet x50
Swedish Military PanelingSwedish Military Paneling x1
Phantom PanelingPhantom Paneling x1
Swedish Military Phantom PanelingSwedish Military Phantom Paneling x1
Making Nocturnal Phantom Paneling
Improved Steel Sheet x50
Special Ship Paint x2
Celebratory Phantom PanelingCelebratory Phantom Paneling x1
Nocturnal Phantom PanelingNocturnal Phantom Paneling x1
Making Festival Phantom Paneling
Improved Steel Sheet x50
Special Ship Paint x2
Noble Phantom PanelingNoble Phantom Paneling x1
Festival Phantom PanelingFestival Phantom Paneling x1
Making Ceremonial Phantom Paneling
Improved Steel Sheet x50
Special Ship Paint x2
Celebratory Phantom PanelingCelebratory Phantom Paneling x1
Ceremonial Phantom PanelingCeremonial Phantom Paneling x1
A document found in the Mysterious Map World, written about repairing goods.
Sewing/Casting/Handicrafts Skills: Rank 15+