Type Head Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 30
FormalityFormality 20
DefenseDefense 5
Min FameMin Fame 4,000
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
St. PetersburgSt. Petersburg Shopkeeper Europe Northern Europe 15,000 Đgold
17th Century - Period 517th Century - Period 5
18th Century - Period 118th Century - Period 1
18th Century - Period 218th Century - Period 2
18th Century - Period 318th Century - Period 3
A Russian hat made of otter and marten pelts.
Type Head Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 50
FormalityFormality 24
DefenseDefense 6
Min FameMin Fame 4,800
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Russian hat sewing technique
Woollen FabricWoollen Fabric x30
GoldworkGoldwork x10
Fine FurFine Fur x5
ShapkaShapka x1
A Russian hat made of otter and marten pelts.