British Isles East Coast

British Isles East Coast
Location Type Landing Point
Region Northern Europe
Subregion Northern Britain Island
Coordinate 16240,2210
Connected to -
Items Type From Details
Mysterious SpicesMysterious Spices Consumables Pet
Purchase Order (Category 2)Purchase Order (Category 2) Consumables Pet
Assorted MedicationsAssorted Medications Consumables Pet
Lime JuiceLime Juice Consumables Pet
LogsLogs Goods CollectionCollection
MushroomsMushrooms Goods CollectionCollection
Lemon BalmLemon Balm Goods CollectionCollection
CorianderCoriander Goods CollectionCollection
AniseedAniseed Goods CollectionCollection
ElderElder Goods CollectionCollection
RyeRye Goods CollectionCollection
Common GrassCommon Grass Goods CollectionCollection
Dull LongswordDull Longsword Weapon Item SearchSearch
Puritan HatPuritan Hat Head Equipment SearchSearch
Rusty short swordRusty short sword Weapon Item SearchSearch
Fan of Swan FeathersFan of Swan Feathers Weapon Item SearchSearch
Iron-wire Hunting NetIron-wire Hunting Net Accessory SearchSearch
QuadrantQuadrant Weapon Item SearchSearch
Fishing GearFishing Gear Accessory SearchSearch
RecorderRecorder Weapon Item SearchSearch
Traveller's NotesTraveller's Notes Accessory SearchSearch
Rusted EstocRusted Estoc Weapon Item SearchSearch
Name Data Weapon r3+ Tech Note
England Bandit Lv. 2
Defeated Soldier Lv. 1
Highlander Lv. 5