
Goods Type Foodstuffsfoodstuffs
Goods Type Category 1
Local Specialty -
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
RigaRiga Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
StockholmStockholm Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
KokkolaKokkola Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
DanzigDanzig Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
BilbaoBilbao Market Keeper Europe Western Europe
BergenBergen Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
GothenburgGothenburg Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
Baltic Sea NorthBaltic Sea North CollectionCollection Europe Northern Europe
Baltic Sea South-WestBaltic Sea South-West CollectionCollection Europe Northern Europe
Scandinavia West CoastScandinavia West Coast CollectionCollection Europe Northern Europe
British Isles East CoastBritish Isles East Coast CollectionCollection Europe Northern Europe
West Siberian PlainWest Siberian Plain CollectionCollection Europe Northern Europe
Bay Of Biscay South CoastBay of Biscay South Coast CollectionCollection Europe Western Europe
Used as material in
A relatively new grain grown in colder regions.