Colorado Plateau

Colorado Plateau
Location Type Inland
Region Caribbean Central America
Subregion The Gulf Of Mexico
Coordinate 12140,3640
Connected to Great_PlainsGreat_Plains
Items Type From Details
Special Dye Colour 2 Pet
Exquisite DyeExquisite Dye Consumables Pet
Carillon BellsCarillon Bells Consumables Pet
Monkshood Anaesthetic Pet
CranberriesCranberries Goods CollectionCollection
Exotic FruitExotic Fruit Goods CollectionCollection
SandSand Goods CollectionCollection
BouldersBoulders Goods CollectionCollection
StoneStone Goods CollectionCollection
RocksRocks Goods CollectionCollection
Red OreRed Ore Goods CollectionCollection
Black OreBlack Ore Goods CollectionCollection
Traveller's NotesTraveller's Notes Accessory SearchSearch
Prospector's Dowsing RodProspector's Dowsing Rod Accessory SearchSearch
Adventurer's NotesAdventurer's Notes Accessory SearchSearch
Wood SpearWood Spear Weapon Item SearchSearch
Hunter's SpearHunter's Spear Weapon Item SearchSearch
Ribbon&FeatherRibbon&Feather Head Equipment SearchSearch
Leather MantleLeather Mantle Body Equipment SearchSearch
Name Data Weapon r3+ Tech Note
Banished Pioneer Lv. 42 Club Range Spear Trap
Roaming Pioneer Lv. 43 Gun
Throwing Knife
Wide Spear Trap
New Snipe
Traveling Thief Lv. 43 Axe
Colorado Bandit Lv. 40 Bow Deadly Poison Dart Trap
Range Spear Trap
Wide Spear Trap
Colorado Thief Lv. 40 Spear Vital Strike
Wild Thrust