Leather Mantle
Type Body Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 80
FormalityFormality 10
DefenseDefense 10
Min FameMin Fame 13,500
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Sturdy North American Outfits
Folk CostumesFolk Costumes x36
Fine DyeFine Dye x1
SuedeSuede x3
Leather MantleLeather Mantle x1
Leather Mantle Leather Mantle Leather Mantle
Clothing for natives of North America. Made from the tanned hide of the water buffalo or similar, it is thick and tough.
Leather Mantle
Type Body Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 30
FormalityFormality 10
DefenseDefense 10
Min FameMin Fame 13,500
Clothing for natives of North America. Made from the tanned hide of the water buffalo or similar, it is thick and tough.
Leather Mantle
Type Body Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 10
FormalityFormality 10
DefenseDefense 10
Min FameMin Fame 13,500
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
Colorado PlateauColorado Plateau SearchSearch America Caribbean/Central America
Clothing for natives of North America. Made from the tanned hide of the water buffalo or similar, it is thick and tough.
Leather Mantle
Type Body Equipment
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
Can exhibit in Museum Unknown
DurabilityDurability 30
DefenseDefense 15
Min FameMin Fame 13,500
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Sturdy North American Outfits
Folk CostumesFolk Costumes x30
Fine DyeFine Dye x1
SuedeSuede x3
Leather MantleLeather Mantle x1
Clothing for natives of North America. Made from the tanned hide of the water buffalo or similar, it is thick and tough.