South Nantes

South Nantes
Location Type Outskirts
Region Northern Europe
Subregion Bay Of Biscay
Coordinate -
Connected to NantesNantes
Items Type From Details
CatapultCatapult Consumables Pet
Fire BucketsFire Buckets Consumables Pet
Rodent KillerRodent Killer Consumables Pet
Shipwreck Map PieceShipwreck Map Piece Consumables Pet
EggsEggs Goods CollectionCollection
MushroomsMushrooms Goods CollectionCollection
HorsesHorses Goods CollectionCollection
BerriesBerries Goods CollectionCollection
FennelFennel Goods CollectionCollection
Vegetable OilVegetable Oil Goods CollectionCollection
HempHemp Goods CollectionCollection
Common GrassCommon Grass Goods CollectionCollection
Dull LongswordDull Longsword Weapon Item SearchSearch
Fan of Swan FeathersFan of Swan Feathers Weapon Item SearchSearch
Folding FanFolding Fan Weapon Item SearchSearch
Rusted EstocRusted Estoc Weapon Item SearchSearch
Name Data Weapon r3+ Tech Note
Fallen Military Man Lv. 3
Fallen Mercenary Lv. 2
Robber Lv. 2
Navar Thief Lv. 6
Pyrenee Bandit Lv. 4