
Goods Type Foodstuffsfoodstuffs
Goods Type Category 1
Local Specialty -
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
HelderHelder Market Keeper Europe Northern Europe
CalviCalvi Market Keeper Europe Western Europe
FaroFaro Market Keeper Europe Western Europe
TriesteTrieste Market Keeper Europe Eastern Europe
France Northwest CoastFrance Northwest Coast CollectionCollection Europe Northern Europe
South CalaisSouth Calais CollectionCollection Europe Northern Europe
South NantesSouth Nantes CollectionCollection Europe Northern Europe
Northwest GenoaNorthwest Genoa CollectionCollection Europe Western Europe
Bay Of Biscay South CoastBay of Biscay South Coast CollectionCollection Europe Western Europe
West TunisWest Tunis CollectionCollection Europe Western Europe
Africa North CoastAfrica North Coast CollectionCollection Europe Western Europe
Naples OutskirtsNaples Outskirts CollectionCollection Europe Eastern Europe
Africa North Coast South Mediterranean SeaAfrica North Coast South Mediterranean Sea CollectionCollection Europe Eastern Europe
Egypt North CoastEgypt North Coast CollectionCollection Europe Eastern Europe
Northwest AthensNorthwest Athens CollectionCollection Europe Eastern Europe
North BeirutNorth Beirut CollectionCollection Europe Eastern Europe
Southwest SalonikaSouthwest Salonika CollectionCollection Europe Eastern Europe
North CalicutNorth Calicut CollectionCollection Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
Southwest MassawaSouthwest Massawa CollectionCollection Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
East CeylonEast Ceylon CollectionCollection Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
Produced by
Recipe Materials Result Note
Collecting eggs
ChickenChicken x1 EggsEggs x2-3
Collecting duck eggs
DucksDucks x1 EggsEggs x2-3
Used as material in
Fresh eggs from chickens or ducks.
An essential cooking ingredient.