
Location Type Port
Region Northern Europe
Subregion Baltic Sea
Coordinate 840,1980
Connected to -
Port Data
Min. disguise 0
Languages NordicNordic
Port permit Port Permit - North SeaPort Permit - North Sea
Culture Northern Europe
Quest NPC Mediator
Has archive No
Goods Goods Type Investment Period Local Specialty
FlaxFlax Fibresfibres Northern Europe
Copper OreCopper Ore Oresores
FurFur Fibresfibres 180,000 Đinvestment
Fine FurnitureFine Furniture Craftscrafts 400,000 Đinvestment
RyeRye Foodstuffsfoodstuffs
HeathersHeathers Medicinemedicine Northern Europe
SulphurSulphur Wareswares
WormwoodWormwood Medicinemedicine
LeatherLeather Fibresfibres
ShamshirsShamshirs Armsarms 240,000 Đinvestment

There is a current bug that unlocks the goods by investing any amount instead of the Ducats listed above

Items Type Price Investment Period
Fishing GearFishing Gear Accessory 2,500 Đgold
Snaplock RifleSnaplock Rifle Weapon Item 8,000 Đgold
PoisonPoison Consumables 250 Đgold
AntidoteAntidote Consumables 100 Đgold
Spear training- applicationSpear training- application Recipe 50,000 Đgold 120,000 Đinvestment
Apron DressApron Dress Body Equipment 5,100 Đgold
Decorated CuirassDecorated Cuirass Body Equipment 164,000 Đgold 17th Century - Period 117th Century - Period 1
17th Century - Period 217th Century - Period 2
18th Century - Period 118th Century - Period 1
Swedish Traditional ClothesSwedish Traditional Clothes Body Equipment 76,000 Đgold 17th Century - Period 117th Century - Period 1
18th Century - Period 118th Century - Period 1
Swedish Traditional ClothesSwedish Traditional Clothes Body Equipment 76,000 Đgold 17th Century - Period 117th Century - Period 1
18th Century - Period 118th Century - Period 1
Maple ViolinMaple Violin Weapon Item 17,000 Đgold 120,000 Đinvestment
Artillery Essence 5,000 Đgold 180,000 Đinvestment
Card Rank2 1,000 Đgold
Special Dye Colour 4 5,000 Đgold
CardCard Consumables 500 Đgold
Decorated Armour Casting BookDecorated Armour Casting Book Recipe 0 Đgold 17th Century - Period 117th Century - Period 1
17th Century - Period 217th Century - Period 2
17th Century - Period 317th Century - Period 3
17th Century - Period 417th Century - Period 4

The required investment might not be accurate as the price keeps getting updated by devs.

Items NPC Type Price Investment Period
Swedish Traditional Clothes Sewing BookSwedish Traditional Clothes Sewing Book Resident (Outside Tavern) Recipe 0 Đgold 17th Century - Period 117th Century - Period 1
17th Century - Period 217th Century - Period 2
17th Century - Period 317th Century - Period 3
17th Century - Period 417th Century - Period 4
This city was built by Sweden's Birger Jarl in the middle of the 13th century and is composed of 14 islands connected by bridges. The area is rich with minerals.