Medicine Trading

Medicine Trading
Skill Type Trade
Learning Cost 15,000 Đgold
Max. Level 17
Vigour Cost Auto Effect
Skill Requirement Sundries TradingSundries Trading 3
Level Requirement
Skill can be Refined
Refine Cost 750,000 Đgold
Refine Effect Medicine order Medicine order
Where to learn this skill from
Location NPC Note
LondonLondon The Earl of Leicester
Alternatively, this skill can be learned from any Trade Guild Master when using any jobs below.
However, the level requirement still applies
* Job name Job type Note
Favoured favoured SurgeonSurgeon Battle
Favoured favoured Medicine TraderMedicine Trader Trade
Favoured favoured AlchemistAlchemist Trade
Favoured favoured Spice TraderSpice Trader Trade
Favoured favoured Merchant MentorMerchant Mentor Trade
Expert expert PharmacistPharmacist Trade
Item name Item type + Note
Agate EarringAgate Earring Accessory + 2 Has effect
Baji JeogoriBaji Jeogori Body Equipment + 1
Genius BirettaGenius Biretta Head Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
Turquoise Green RingTurquoise Green Ring Accessory + 1
Indigo RingIndigo Ring Accessory + 1
Shapka of The WealthyShapka of The Wealthy Head Equipment + 1
Ring of Southern MerchantRing of Southern Merchant Accessory + 1
Bejeweled GlovesBejeweled Gloves Hand Equipment + 2
Quintet Coat of the SeaQuintet Coat of the Sea Body Equipment + 1
GuanfuGuanfu Body Equipment + 1
Adept's BirettaAdept's Biretta Head Equipment + 2
Agate Hair OrnamentAgate Hair Ornament Accessory + 2 Has effect
Agate NecklaceAgate Necklace Accessory + 2 Has effect
Agate RingAgate Ring Accessory + 2 Has effect
Agate BroochAgate Brooch Accessory + 2 Has effect
Il MagnificoIl Magnifico Body Equipment + 2
The Medici's Casual ClothesThe Medici's Casual Clothes Body Equipment + 1
Lorenzo's AttireLorenzo's Attire Body Equipment + 3
Fragrance GlovesFragrance Gloves Hand Equipment + 1 Has effect
Alchemist Robe EXAlchemist Robe EX Body Equipment + 2 Has EX effect
Alchemist RobeAlchemist Robe Body Equipment + 2
ChangpaoChangpao Body Equipment + 2
GuanfuGuanfu Body Equipment + 1
GuanfuGuanfu Body Equipment + 1
GuanfuGuanfu Body Equipment + 1
GuanfuGuanfu Body Equipment + 1
DiademDiadem Head Equipment + 1
Flower HeaddressFlower Headdress Head Equipment + 1
Leather MantleLeather Mantle Body Equipment + 1
Prairie Resident ClothesPrairie Resident Clothes Body Equipment + 1
More medicine can be bought at the market