Mouse Database
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The School of Sorcery has a long and exhaustive list of rules that are constantly being amended and extended. These rules are particularly strict with regards to loitering and lollygagging in the halls between classes. Since the detention dungeon is the last place that any student would want to find themselves, there is only one mouse that you will ever find roaming the halls at this school and that's the Hall Monitor.
Armed with the latest edition of the rules compendium and their signature silver mouse whistle, this strict scholarly sentinel stalks tirelessly up and down the halls with their trusty sidekick, Deborah the Safety Dragon, in search of any student bold or foolish enough to be cutting class. Any hunter who finds themselves wandering the halls of the School of Sorcery is advised to enroll in a class as soon as possible or else they will suffer the shrill sound of the silver whistle, Deborah's foamy, disapproving growl, and worst of all, the Hall Monitor's most powerful and infamous spell: the Recitation of Infinite Rules! Mousehunt Wiki page
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This highly esteemed author is well-known by mice all across the land and his name has become synonymous with murine folklore and fairy tales. There is scarcely a mouse anywhere that couldn't name at least a few of his most famous works including: "The Princess and the Olive", "The Ice Regent", "Pinkielina", and "The Ugly Mouseling". It is no surprise therefore that he was the first one recruited by the Mythweaver to assist in his dastardly plot to rewrite Gnawnian history.
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Slow and stiff in the joints, these inherited puppets spend most of their days doing menial chores for their Master. Hapless Marionettes live painful lives, avoiding the company of other puppets due to their rough construction and the random carvings of passing hunters. If one comes near, beware its broom-- that’s the one thing it knows how to wield accurately.
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These old mice refuse to side with the Furoma forces and reject the twisted agenda of the Dojo Masters. Often pushed around and the target of jokes, these oppressed mice are forced to do the bidding of their masters. Often far too weak to pose any challenge to an experienced hunter, these mice offer very little reward.
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Hunt in this location: Bristle Woods Rift > Acolyte Chamber,Frozen Alcove,Hidden Treasury,Ingress Chamber,Lucky Tower,Pursuer Mousoleum,Runic Laboratory
Bait: Runic String Cheese ![]() Weaknesses
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Feared are the harbingers for they approach without warning, say nothing, and leave silently as your world fades to black. The first sight of a harbinger will most likely be your last!
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and found during Spring Egg Hunt event.
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Spring_egg_hunt event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
It never seemed to be sunny-side up in Gnawnia. At least, not whenever I was working a case. This one was a doozie but I knew I was close to cracking it. Like everything else in this crazy world, it all came down to a doe. Easy enough on the eyes, I suppose, but when you're talking about eyes, you have to be careful. This doe had crazy eyes, and a crazy plan hatching behind them. Situations like this never go over-easy. See, she'd gotten ahold of the last free Golden Egg in Gnawnia, and wired up this crazy contraption to it. "A scrambler, get it?" she asked, eyes rolling. And then she laughed. That laugh. Like loose nails rattling around in a jar. Or on reflection, loose screws. Her plan as I figured it, was to scramble up all the Eggscavators in the land and throw mice and hunters alike into wild confusion. Her motivation, however, was about as clear as runny yolk. I had tracked her through Gnawnia's back alleys, from Cheese Bars to Mad Scientist Surplus Shoppes, and finally cornered her here. Still, she didn't seem upset. More pleased, actually. Perhaps at the opportunity to show off. "I'm going to Scramble everything, do you understand? Everything! Ah ha ha ha ha!" That laugh again. "Look, sister," I said, stepping carefully closer. "I know you think you have a job to do, but I do too. I'm here to bring you in, and you can come peacefully with me, or well, I know there's a few hunters around looking for you too, and you're gonna get poached if you're not careful." At the mention of hunters, she flinched visibly. Her shell was crumbling, but breaking her so close to the frying pan was risky. I decided to take it easier on her. "If you hand over the device and come along quietly, we can put you in the Hunter Protection Program. You'll get a new name, a new house, a new job..." "No!" she cried. "No new job! Science, mad science forever!" Then she pulled another strange-looking device from inside her tinfoil jacket, thumbed a button on top, and threw it at me. I ducked, there was a bright flash, and when I looked again, she was gone. As my vision recovered, I noticed a trail of oil, nuts, and bolts leading away. My keen detective sense told me she'd gone that way, so I decided to follow. She couldn't escape me for long. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Looking to make the most of the Fort Rox fortune, he leaves no stone unturned. Busting his rump, this overburdened mouse packs his bags chock-full of meteorite before hauling them out.
"Just... one... more!" Mousehunt Wiki page
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and found during Spring Egg Hunt event.
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Spring_egg_hunt event. Weaknesses
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While he's known as Hare Razer to his minions, he likes to refer to himself as Mr. Fluffy. This is likely to be one of the most insane mice you'll ever meet (most figure it's due to his diet consisting almost entirely of chemically treated candies), however during his rare bouts of lucidity, he manages to run a very effective cartel, smuggling prized hunter items out in tiny and delicious chocolate eggs.
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Hunter's lore describes these mice as a curse, bringing bad luck and fruitless hunts. Hunters lament at the eerie caw of a Harpy mouse descending from the clouds, knowing that escape is impossible. Harpy mice exist to torture MouseHunters by constantly stealing their cheese and raiding their supplies. Their swift wings bring a dark plague of frustration to any hunter unfortunate enough to encounter them.
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Despite its colorful cloak of autumn leaves, and charming hat made of a mini-pumpkin top, this mouse is a master of evasion. The Harvest Harrier's job is to remain invisible, in order to spring as many traps and rob as many traps as possible, and it takes this duty seriously. Catch a glimpse of it in the pumpkin patch, and it turns into just another gourd, quick as a blink. Spot it in a leaf pile, and, well, good luck finding it again.
Mousehunt Wiki page