Mouse Database
Suggested setup
Note: This mouse can be found in all locations except Meadow. After catching this mouse, it is not possible to catch another one for 90 days. During special events such as the King's Giveaway, the cooldown period may be lowered.
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Prize event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
This mischievous mouse loves to stir up trouble and play pranks. Although the Leprechaun mouse is certainly hard to find any hunter who is able to capture one will surely be bribed by the mouse to let them go.
Leprechaun mice are said to carry with them great hoardes of loot! Catching one is sure to be quite rewarding! Catch this mouse and win a prize! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Guarding all of the inmates of the dungeon is a difficult and tiring task and as this slothful sentry is well aware, the easiest way to deal with a difficult task is... not to do it! The Lethargic Guard is pretty sure that his presence in the dungeon should be enough to keep the prisoners in line and that the "active" part of active duty is largely superfluous.
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Leviathan mice wait just below the surface of the water for passing ships. Using their size and power, these feared monsters crush ships and drag their cheesy cargo to the bottom of the ocean.
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Lore describes these mice as older than time itself. These once-powerful kings, old and greedy with power, became desperate to hold on to life. Their bodies have long died, yet their spirit lives on.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Never known for its qualities of better judgement, the Lightning Rod mouse will wait in fields for days on end, waving a fork at the sky and waiting for lightning. As Hunters know, waiting is hungry work, and so catching one of these mice is as easy as spying its fork and waiting for its tummy to rumble. Hunters don't know why the Lightning Rod mouse wants to be electrified, but common sense dictates that they should be avoided when a storm is brewing.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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These mice originally dwelled in dark caverns and caves, always on the lookout for a rich deposit of limestone. When they discovered humans use limestone as a building material, some focused their efforts on mining walls, floors and ceilings, posing a serious threat to the structural integrity of a building.
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This naive, forgetful young shepherd is a character mostly known for perfecting the art of giving up and allowing problems to sort themselves out.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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This dainty, recognizable, and severely arachnophobic nursery rhyme character is well-known for her insatiable appetite for curds and whey and her jumpy disposition.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Strewn across the Slushy Shoreline are dozens of tiny mouse figurines carefully carved from pure ice. Or at least, that's what it seems. When influenced by the magic of SUPER|brie+, the tiny statues come alive and dive straight for it!
Hunters who search carefully near where they catch a Living Ice Mouse are likely to find icy crafting materials, so keep your eyes peeled! Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Iceberg
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse is uncommon in the first four areas of the Iceberg (Treacherous Tunnels, Brutal Bulwark, Bombing Run, and the Mad Depths) before 425 hunts, but is abundant in the Hidden Depths, or throughout the Iceberg (before Icewing's Lair) after 425 hunts are exhausted. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Salt left over from the ocean water that formed the Iceberg combined with Icewing's powerful magic has resulted in this tiny, salty mouse. Penned up for the long trip towards Gnawnia, they are only allowed to roam free once the Iceberg has reached the shores, since their tiny salty feet could destabilize the ice underfoot with too much roaming.
These mice are very rare, only appearing reliably after all the chests have been smashed and the Iceberg has reached Gnawnia's shores. Catching one of these mice will allow you to quickly finish off an invasion. Mousehunt Wiki page