Mouse Database
Suggested setup
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Halloween event.
Profile Description
Breaching through the veil in torrents of fire, these minions come out in flaming swarms, making them a little too hot to handle. With a stronger connection to the Rift plane, they can open small holes to their home and summon roaring flames at will.
When captured, let stand for 5 minutes to reach room temperature before handling. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Halloween event.
Profile Description
Once a year the veil between our world and another weakens, bringing with it the threat of terrible demonic mice. During this dangerous time our most powerful hunters are requested to battle the forces that manage to escape the breach. Until recently this phenomena was known only to a few covert hunters but with the recent eruption of Rifts around the kingdom the haunted breach has gotten much larger and more dangerous. With armies ready to pour through led by these terrifying mice, it is more important than ever that our most powerful hunters be well equipped and choose to face these dangerous foes head on.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Halloween event.
Profile Description
Despite its hollow head, this spooky mouse is still clever enough to trick a hunter's trap. The reward for catching this mouse sometimes extends outside the satisfying sound of rotten cheese exploding out of a smashing pumpkin.
This mouse is available around Halloween.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Profile Description
This tireless alchemist is constantly brewing strange concoctions and inventing new experimental formulas. Among his scattered notes are recipes for topical creams, energy drinks, cheese flavour enhancers and a very fine ginseng tea. A few of the more recent pages imply that he managed to synthesize something that defies the laws of thermodynamics, but it... escaped.
His preceding notes all seem to be focused on finding a method to build the impossible collection of the preserved essence of every living thing on the planet, and early drafts of a really big vessel to carry them all. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Gnawnian Express Station
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Raider River phase of a train journey. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Light and nimble, the Hookshot Mouse is the latest and greatest in raider engineering. Fool's Gold fused with iron has created a strong, light-weight alloy. Coupled with a steam-and-crank power source, this guy is one raider who just won't quit!
Harnessing that power allows the Hookshot Mouse to fire his trademarked Hook-Paw launcher from nearly one thousand feet away, allowing them to quickly mount the train and start the assault before they can even be seen! Many a train passenger fears the clanking of little hooks as these mice begin their attack. That definitely isn't rain you're hearing! Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Training Grounds
Bait: SUPER|brie+ ![]() Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during any certain event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
The Hope Mouse is altruistic by nature, wanting only to help others, be they human or mouse. The King has been so touched by the selflessness of these mice that he has sent out a decree. If any hunter should catch a Hope Mouse, dust him off and send him on his way, as he's likely off to do some good in the world.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Profile Description
This mouse uses its horns combined with wriggling its powerful neck and spines to chip cork from the local flora, strapping it to himself for armour and protection. The cork provides exquisite thermal protection.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Profile Description
Wherever the summer sun beats down on fields and beaches, there are mice who love the heat, frolicking in the fields... and then, there are the inevitable casualties. Hot Head mice had a little too much fun in the sun, and now they're left bright pink, woozy, and more than a little confused. Since melty cheese is sometimes used as a sunscreen, they're storming traps to get some, but they're not in any condition to be walking, let alone stealing.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Profile Description
This rotund rodent has an inclination for dangerous heights and living on the edge despite his brittle frame and terrible sense of balance.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Profile Description
The Huntereater is friend to no mouse or man! Encrusted with gemstones, it waits for other gem-enriched mice to wander by looking for food before ambushing them! Her blood-red ruby-like tail is incredibly beautiful and appears incredibly similar to a Flameshard, the symbol of the Marching Flame of the Fiery Warpath! Did the Warmonger create the totems for his army in the image of the Huntereater's tail, or is this the source of the Flameshard itself?
Though precious and beautiful, the tail is extremely venomous and tricks other mice into grabbing at it, believing it to be a simple gemstone. Mousehunt Wiki page