Mouse Database
Profile Description
Most of the time the Loathsome Locusts exist in a passive, dormant state and will only swarm a farmer's field under very specific conditions. When those conditions are met and the vegetation is just right, these irritating but extremely lucrative creatures will darken the skies and descend upon the fertile fields in an effort to gorge themselves on delicious crops. Fortunately for the farmers, these clueless critters get so focused on stuffing themselves with flavourful foliage that they don't put up much of a defence. When these mischievous malfeasants do manage to make off with a belly full, they like to add insult to injury by playing a woeful tune on their tiny violins to mock the unfortunate farmer.
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24. . . 8. . . 19. . . The Lockpick mouse can use its mini-stethoscope and custom paperclip to circumvent nearly any method of modern lock-itude. Sea chests? Done. Safes? Cracked. Deluxe, master-class lockboxes with fifteen different mechanisms and an explosive security system? There better be a big cheese payoff, but, yeah, the Lockpick can do them, too. It can also spring trap mechanisms ahead of time, leaving the cheese ripe for the taking.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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The ancestors of the Longtail started out long ago as average mice with big goals, and a flair for creative problem solving. As they searched for a way to reach more remote locations, and more exotic cheeses, these crafty little mice learned to stand on their tails, stre-e-etching their way to victory! Over time, as the mice continued to reach for the sky, their tails grew to accommodate their lofty goals, until the Longtail became the curly-tailed terror that it is today.
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Hunt in this location: Iceberg > General Encounter
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: Because generals are encountered in threes, it is possible to cycle through them until this mouse appears. Hunters can arm a weak non-Hydro trap with a high attraction bonus and when this mouse appears, the Hunter will miss catching it, but can arm a powerful Hydro ![]() Weaknesses
Profile Description
When Icewing needed a leader for the Bomb Squad, no mouse came more recommended for the post than Lord Splodington. His mastery of all things that go BOOM is second-to-none, and his hatred for the good hunters of Gnawnia is second only to perhaps Icewing herself.
Since joining the Bomb Squad, explosions are up three hundred percent, total area demolished is up five hundred percent, and mice and hunters terrified is up an astonishing nine hundred percent! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hunt in this location: Labyrinth
Bait: Glowing Gruyere Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: The Lost Legionnaire Mouse can be found in all Hallways and Intersections. Weaknesses
Profile Description
In all honesty, the Lost Legionnaire Mouse can't make whiskers or tails out of the Labyrinth. No matter how hard he tries, he always ends up in the wrong part of the maze, wandering aimlessly for hours, before finally finding himself back at another intersection he SWEARS he already passed...
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Hunt in this location: Labyrinth
Bait: Glowing Gruyere Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: The Lost Mouse can be found in all Hallways and Intersections. Weaknesses
Profile Description
There is a rumour circling around, stating that beyond this impossible Labyrinth lies a city made of pure gold, ripe for plundering. Mice from far and wide have made attempts to uncover the maze's secrets, but everyone who has come back did so empty handed. Those who never returned continue to wander the outer halls of this constantly changing maze, unable to escape. They aggressively attack anyone who might carry supplies so they may continue their hopeless search.
Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Valentine's Day or Lunar New Year event.
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Valentines event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
Muscles and manners, this mouse is both a gold-level figure skater AND a romantic. Looking for just the right mouse to come by and sweep him off his feet!
His Bio: Looking for Love! Zodiac: Icequarius Height: 4 in 1 cm Body Type: Athletic Likes: Cheese, Dance, Ice Skate and YOU! Dislikes: Math, Hamburgers, Water Perfect Date: My idea of the perfect date would be a nice sit-down dinner at a cozy restaurant. Not somewhere super busy, but not completely empty. Maybe a movie before or after, and then a walk on the beach at sunset. Mousehunt Wiki page
Suggested setup
Note: This mouse can be found during various events.
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during any certain event. Weaknesses
Profile Description
This little guy is pretty buddy-buddy with Lady Luck. He's managed to swipe cheese off every trap he's encountered with barely any trouble, and over time he's also managed to collect various 'Lucky' trinkets: a funky lucky sock that he'll never remove because he claims it once messed up a Monstrobot's sensors, lucky beads that managed to jam a trap's trigger mechanism without him even noticing, and his lucky belt that has... been a good conversation starter at least.
Yessir, everything goes his way! In fact, he's so sure of his luck that he's decided to try to steal a hunter's luck charm right off their trap! Mustachio the charms specialist insists that this little trick is likely to backfire however, since Luck charms can only make a trap luckier and they are known to be very powerful indeed! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Profile Description
One of the most illuminating mice to be found in the Caverns. Fancy and very old fashioned, he sports the latest in fungal flourished pants topped with a fancy fungal fedora.
This mouse pulls off a look that not many can. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Profile Description
Coconut trees were already hard to find in the Sandtail Desert; however, once these mice began wandering the sands, the trees became almost non-existent! Once they have split the bark with a hatchet, these mice can chew through a tree trunk in a matter of seconds.
Mousehunt Wiki page