Mouse Database
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This little mouse is on the prowl for pumps! With the rise in the number of individuals interested in pumping queso from the river, this mouse has found it easier to get queso directly from the pumps themselves.
Self-taught with a screwdriver, this guy can strip a pump and reassemble it in less than three shakes of a White Mouse's tail! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Before they grow up big and strong, these tiny little guys have to work twice as hard to topple stalagmites for small residuals of Nachore that the bigger mice don't even look twice at.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Halloween event.
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This mouse is quite different from the rest, aberrant from the other usual spooky mice in the Spooky Sandcastle. He is one of the largest mice encountered in Gnawnia thus far, nearly 60 meters tall! He hides behind the manor and only appears when a hunter has reached the end of the Pumpkin Patch.
Be careful when manoeuvring around this mouse: He is a lot faster than he looks! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hunt in this location: Festive Comet > Great Winter Hunt event
Note: This mouse can be attracted after breaking the ice of Winter Sports decoration Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great_winter_hunt event. Weaknesses
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A retired racer still burning with toboggan passion. Now putting his years of experience towards making the latest and greatest snow shredding slope speeders.
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Halloween event.
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Deep below the surface where the royal, the rich, and the famous are left to rot is where the Tomb Exhumer Mouse thrives. Tossing and turning old and forgotten tombs looking for anything of value, she raids quickly to avoid the malevolent spirits that she disturbs.
This is one tomb raider who won't let old riches lay buried for long. Where there is a stench of death and decay, this mouse is sure to be near... But she will only stumble out of the tombs she raids at the scent of Undead String Emmental! Mousehunt Wiki page
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This mouse is made entirely of Magic Essence and has one goal: destroy books containing knowledge of mouse weaknesses hidden in Zugzwang's library. Luckily, however, every so often this mouse needs to recharge its powers and will seek out SUPER|brie+ for more power.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hunt in this location: Gnawnian Express Station
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: It also appears only when a hunter is tackling a Scamping Scammers, Travelling Terror, or Corrupt Cartel Wanted Poster in Claw Shot City. Weaknesses
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This mouse has the uncanny ability to sway large groups of mice into purchasing his wonder-cures. Ever overheat on days where the clouds are hiding from the bright sun? Why you my friend, YES YOU, might just have cloud-dysproximita!
Drink this here clear tonic and you'll feel refreshed! It's a wonderful tonic, isn't it? It is most definitely not just simple water. No, not at all! It is a sacred elixir from the far away lands of 'Mountain'. How about you, friend? Your coin purse looks mighty heavy! Why, I am sure I could sell you a strength tonic that would make that purse feel as light as an empty satchel! Mousehunt Wiki page
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One of the noblest, most prestigious roles for a Fire Dragon is that of the Torchbearer who is tasked with holding the sacred Fire Axe, unwaveringly, at the entrance to the Flame Caverns. While it is certainly a prestigious position, it is not exactly the most coveted one because it involves a lot of standing around on the surface instead of nestling up in the warm and cozy caverns below.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Valentine's Day or Lunar New Year event.
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Valentines event. Weaknesses
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Poor guy. He had Valentine's Day all planned. Chocolates, flowers, a boat ride, pictures at the gazebo, the whole deal. But then disaster! One tearful voicemail later and it's back to bachelorhood, and nevermind his careful and caring plans.
But you know what? He's not bitter. Not bitter at all, no sir. He's just disposing of everything that reminds him of her with massively explosive fireworks because it's the most efficient way, that's all. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Freedom fighter for pollution! This mouse does her best to clean out the cleaners and keep the dirt dirty. Most of the power derived in the Burroughs Rift comes from the intense toxic radiation produced from the toxic spill's rift counterpart, and she spends her time guarding the spill, "dealing with" any who would come to clean it.
Mousehunt Wiki page