Mouse Database
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What this miniscule mouse lacks in size, it more than makes up for in brute strength, bravado, and showmanship! He thrives on showing off his impressive physique to the other pests that frequent the Foreword Farm but his fragile ego prevents him from doing so until the field is full of plants for him to lift. Hunters should be warned that this tiny terror won't go down without a fight but if they can manage to best him then they'll collect a sizeable reward of Crop Coins for their trouble.
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Seemingly blind, this mouse uses a sixth sense to find his way around. Coupled with his mighty claw, navigating the Rift is no obstacle. Easily able to claw through the hardest Riftrock, no String Cheese is beyond his reach.
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This dragon is from a lineage that has consumed so many Mild Spice leaves that they have started to evolve and adapt to them: green scales, leafy wings, and all!
You are what you eat, so this mouse is known to have a very mild temperament. Mousehunt Wiki page
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A powerful member of the highly disciplined military class of the Furoma Rift. They devote their lives to the defence of the ancient Furoma Rift Pagoda and their sacred teachings.
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Hunt in this location: Labyrinth
Bait: Glowing Gruyere Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: The Mimic Mouse can be found in Plain and Superior Treasury Hallways in Labyrinth. The Mimic Mouse can be found in the Treasure Room (15+ Treasury clues) and the Treasure Vault (50+ Treasury clues) in Zokor. Weaknesses
Profile Description
The Mimic Mouse is a magical mouse created by the scholars that reside in Zokor to protect their vast treasures and valuables. Made to resemble valuable treasure chests, these mice sit, waiting patiently until an unsuspecting intruder tries to take one home. Just when you think you're safe... SNAP!
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Hunt in this location: Labyrinth
Bait: Glowing Gruyere Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: The Mind Tearer Mouse can be found in Superior and Epic Fealty Hallways in Labyrinth. The Mind Tearer Mouse can be found in the Inner Fealty Temple (50+ Fealty clues) and the Templar's Sanctum (80+ Fealty clues) in Zokor. Weaknesses
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Just as the Labyrinth takes its toll, right after the mental fatigue kicks in and your mind grows weary, tired and confused, that's when the Mind Tearer mice strike! Using their magical mind-rending abilities, they sense out weak minds and lash out at any remaining sanity, tearing it asunder.
Those left in their wake are reduced to nothing more than babbling messes, barely able to determine left from right, let alone navigate the Labyrinth. They are doomed to wander the maze for the rest of their lives, or... until they run out of cheese and have to travel to a nearby shoppe. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Digby may be full of researchers and engineers, but it's the Miner Mice who have refined cheese theft down to a science. The drills on the front of their vehicles (known affectionately among the scientists as 'Trap Trashers'), allow Miners to penetrate to even the most secure subterranean chamber. Once they reach the area in question, the drills double as a trap destruction device, while the precision pincer arm reaches in to nab the cheese.
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This mouse catalogues, collects and manages all materials that move out of the meteor. Nothing gets past her watch! She determines pay rates by evaluating the haul brought back by the miners and sets them on their way. She is likely to have quite a few Meteorite Pieces on hand if you catch her!
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The Mintaka mouse is a master of camouflage. By the time a hunter sees one, it is often too late. This mouse hunts for cheese with great speed and stealth, easily dodging efforts to trap it.
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Mousey see, mousey do!
Seeing everyone else caught up in a craze to obtain the chunks of the meteorite, he quickly joined in! He has no idea what they are for, why people want them or what to do with them, but that doesn't stop him! He just grabs what he can and runs off with them to who knows where! Mousehunt Wiki page